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cheeky deer!!


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  • cheeky deer!!

    As some of you know we have been having probs with the local muntjacs who have been getting bolder and bolder. They have been close to the house and uprooted pots of tulips, eaten the camelias, ruined lots of things.

    OH has put a mesh up to keep them out now (fingers crossed) but before this happened, on saturday morning we were all having brekkie when 2 of them came running in, broad daylight chasing each other. Then they got a bit err, how to put it... frisky in the middle of the lawn.

    My 4 year old wanted to know what they were doing. OH told him they were having a special cuddle and I nearly choked on my tea lol.

    I explained they were making babies. After brekkie my son went and fetched his wellies... when I asked him where he was going he replied - 'to see the baby deers!' How cute! It made me chuckle...

    However I didn't chuckle when after fencing them out, the next morning we discovered they eaten all the pots of tulips from next to the FRONT door, they have stared going round the front as they can't get in the back - cheeky or what!?!

    What next ? Letting themselves in and having a go at the houseplants?!
    Last edited by janeyo; 02-03-2009, 09:07 PM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Well I did tell you Jane, they are as bold as brass. Fencing them out in one place doesn't work. They just find another way in. You have to do the lot - including keeping the gates closed at all times. Bloomin nuisance.
    But I did like the wee guys ideas about going to see the babies.
    Have you seen the Mitsubishi advert where the wee guy is asking Dadddy - where did I come from. After a cut to the music The birds and the Bees the wee guy says Thats amazing - Jimmy Johnston only came from Scotland. I just have to laugh but no idea what it's got to do with Mitsubishi.
    Hope you get those pesky deer sorted Jane.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Thanks Alice, the trouble is our front garden is open to the wooded area they live in. I cannot fence it off (have to save up!)
      Hopefully the back garden is sorted this space!


      • #4
        The only other option is to grow things they won't like... (not sure what qualifies)
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alice View Post
          ....Have you seen the Mitsubishi advert where the wee guy is asking Dadddy - where did I come from. After a cut to the music The birds and the Bees the wee guy says Thats amazing - Jimmy Johnston only came from Scotland. I just have to laugh but no idea what it's got to do with Mitsubishi.
          Hope you get those pesky deer sorted Jane.
          Alice, come to that, what do a drumming gorilla, or, two facial contortionist kids have to do with milk chocolate?
          Answer, nothing, but crikey you remember it.
          Same for Jimmy, you remembered it and the firm it was for, job done.

          Jane, do you have a large garden?
          Perhaps if it is large enough a licensed shooter, or gamekeeper would be able to deal with the problem at the right time of year. Meat and veg.
          Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
          Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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          • #6
            Originally posted by Peter View Post
            Alice, come to that, what do a drumming gorilla, or, two facial contortionist kids have to do with milk chocolate?
            Answer, nothing, but crikey you remember it.
            Same for Jimmy, you remembered it and the firm it was for, job done.

            Jane, do you have a large garden?
            Perhaps if it is large enough a licensed shooter, or gamekeeper would be able to deal with the problem at the right time of year. Meat and veg.
            Muntjac are a bit tricky for cooking. They have musk glands that need removing quickly. Otherwise, probably not a bad solution.....
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #7
              or you could just plant stuff they do like in the pots at the front, then as it's for them you won't mind them eating it


              • #8
                OH did think about asking a couple of our 'shooting' friends to do it, but thought they were a bit small to be worth it? esp as we would have to share with the shooters lol
                He did have venison burger last night and tells me it was yummy lol.

                It is a big garden, and the area they live in next door (not our bit) is about the size of a footie pitch


                • #9
                  lol@ deers, u got any pics of the darlings? Why dont you create a scarer? Somethings that shines and reflects in the light, it will scare them.
                  Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                  • #10
                    You might be surprised how much meat you'd get off a muntjac, and a good rifle-man should manage to get 2 of them (one for you, one for the shooter), but you DO need someone who knows where the musk glands are and how to remove them. If you shoot a couple, and put up a PIR lamp, the remainder will probably be a lot less bold about raiding!
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                    • #11
                      A.Lady I've already got loads of cds hanging about the garden and canes with milk bottles on to stop the pigeons eating the psb which is in the flower beds this year. (is v attractive garden feature lol)

                      I will have a word Hilary B - are there special times of the year for shooting them?



                      • #12
                        The only thing so far they don't like to eat are onions, garlic and WEEDS! Shame I have loads of those lol


                        • #13
                          I don't know whether there is a 'closed season' for muntjac, but try to avoid spring/early summer, in case you leave orphans (not sure whether muntjac give birth same time as other deer, but roe, fallow, etc is mostly April/May, depending on local conditions).
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #14
                            Thanks It might give OH ideas to get a gun now


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