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Bank charges


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  • Bank charges


    Have any of you tried to reclaim bank charges?

    I have been looking at some sites who will do it on your behalf and charge around 10% which seems ok but I am not sure how safe they are?

    I know a lot of people are doing this now as these charges are illegal but it would be good to know someone who has done this.


  • #2
    Here's the 'reclaim your bank charges' thread on, I expect you've seen it? did martin start the ball-rolling?
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • #3
      Hi SBP,

      I had not seen this one thanks, looks like it might be worth a try......



      • #4
        Try this site, Motley Fool. It's one of my favourites for keeping up with things, and this page details how to reclaim bank charges.


        • #5
          I reclaimed one lot from first direct, and I'm about to start a claim against Nationwide

          As long as you follow the correct procedure, it's a straight forward process.

          I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

          Muddy Musings - a blog


          • #6
            mandy, I would thoroughly endorse sbp's recommendation of Martin Lewis is on the Jeremy Vine programme quite reqularly (ie tomorrow 2 February 2007). He really, really knows his stuff, and his advice can be relied on. As sbp says, I'm pretty certain he 'started the ball rolling'.

            We affectionately call him motormouth, because he talks so fast, but his advice is A1 OK. As he calls himself - moneysavingexpert - he is on your side 100%. The banks and building societies are 'the enemy'+++.

            Give his website a go!!


            • #7
              My son (24) recently claimed against his bank. He went off to the branch office with a determined stride and all the relevant paperwork, and sat at the customer service desk with a succession of three members of staff, until they gave him his (unfairly charged) money back. The sum involved was �60. I'm very proud of him - seems a very grown-up thing to do
              not every situation requires a big onion


              • #8
                Hello Mandy, I don't know what kind of sums you are talking about, but go to your Citizens Advice Bureau. I work voluntarilary for them and deal with that problem all the time. They will deal with the matter for you, as most of these charges are illegal. The only point you have to be aware of is they may say "fine" but we are closing your account, which they are entitled to do. If you are talking about big somes of money, open another account before you go to war with them, to make sure you still have a banking facility available to you. Hope you get it all sorted out.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9

                  I am currently in dispute with the HSBC over some �400 of charges. I registered on this forum as a well known 18c highwayman....


                  The people there are really friendly and helpful. Follow their advice and hold your nerve and you WILL win. The banks have never let a case go through the court yet. They always back down at the last minute. Don't let them try and fob you of with a partial offer either. Any court fees you may incur will be added to any settlement in your favour, so you are not out of pocket.

                  The banks are worried and are trying to keep a lid on the thing. However, the word is spreading. Go for it.



                  • #10
                    Petuaria Pete is right Mandy. Just cover your back while you are doing it.

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #11
                      Thanks everyone, good to hear that some of you have already had your money returned.

                      The war against banks starts now



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