Good evening everybody
Just wanted to post this evening and say hello!!
I'm new to the forum and will be constantly be seeking help on all matters regarding growing my own as this is my first go at it. I�m having some failures but the small victories are starting to come along and I�m really enjoying it.
I�m looking at this year to be an experimental one and hope to be a little more organised next year(starting by getting a greenhouse), but have found that trial and error can be just as rewarding( and fun) as reading lots of books on how to do things properly.
Any how I�m wondering can I grow anything once the cooler weather starts to arrive or do most things die off? If you know what I could grow later in the year (say from September onwards and with as little financial investment as possible) then I would be grateful.
Kind regards

Just wanted to post this evening and say hello!!
I'm new to the forum and will be constantly be seeking help on all matters regarding growing my own as this is my first go at it. I�m having some failures but the small victories are starting to come along and I�m really enjoying it.
I�m looking at this year to be an experimental one and hope to be a little more organised next year(starting by getting a greenhouse), but have found that trial and error can be just as rewarding( and fun) as reading lots of books on how to do things properly.
Any how I�m wondering can I grow anything once the cooler weather starts to arrive or do most things die off? If you know what I could grow later in the year (say from September onwards and with as little financial investment as possible) then I would be grateful.
Kind regards