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Hello, possible new plot!


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  • Hello, possible new plot!

    After months of waiting and chasing them up, I've finally been offered an allotment plot! Need to ring them to confirm (would tomorrow be appropriate or should I wait until Monday?).
    They said they have several available, so if I am offered a choice, what should I go for?
    Can't wait to get started! The tomatoes and runner beans I have growing on the window can be put into the ground now!
    Hoping to also grow strawberries, rhubarb, potatoes and marrows to begin with.

  • #2
    I would ring as soon as you can and leave a message if no-one picks it up. Who knows, you may be able to get it sorted tomorrow!
    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MrsKirchin View Post
      They said they have several available, so if I am offered a choice, what should I go for?

      So many answers to that question!

      For me I'd look for
      - a site in full sun (you can always add shade but you can't add sun!),
      - access to water is important for certain times of the year (some sites have no water provided and you must collect your own; other provide a tap which can be used to fill your own containers from which you can fill a watering can - most sites do not allow direct use of the hose pipe onto the plot)
      - distance from parking for your car; tools are heavy to carry
      - is there storage for your tools? Shed already there or could you add one?
      - how secure is the site from vandals?
      - has the ground been worked before?
      - any established fruit trees/bushes?
      - do you have to maintain paths to your plot?

      Exciting isn't it! Good Luck!
      The proof of the growing is in the eating.
      Leave Rotten Fruit.
      Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
      Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
      Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


      • #4
        Going down to have a look tomorrow, they have half plots available at the moment, but that's fine by me! So excited now! Can't wait to get stuck in!


        • #5
          Good luck.

          In Sheffield if you had applied for a full plot but only get offered a half plot you are allowed to take a second half plot but you must go to the end of the queue for again for the second plot. Many sites in Sheffield have long waiting lists.
          The proof of the growing is in the eating.
          Leave Rotten Fruit.
          Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
          Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
          Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


          • #6
            I've waited about six months for this one, which I understand isn't actually very long compared to some places. I was considering a half plot anyway, due to being new to it, so its worked out ideal really.


            • #7
              Six months?? I was on the waiting list here for over 8 years.


              • #8
                Hope the pictures work! Here is my allotment, lots of grass and brambles, but decent sized and lots of sun! Hasn't been used for 2 years or so. Need to get stuck in now, removing everything and getting to the soil underneath!

                Attached Files
                Last edited by bearded bloke; 22-07-2014, 03:22 PM. Reason: spinning pictures


                • #9
                  Cover as much as you can and work on the bit that isn't.
                  Cardboard if you can get it is a great cover. Put it under a tarp if you're worried about it looking untidy


                  • #10
                    There is an onsite shop, that sells some covering. I can't remember what its called, but a few plots had it down. It was a black material, sold by the meter, for 35p. He said it was really good for killing stuff off and you can cut holes in and grow things in there. Spent the afternoon up there and managed to clear some of the brambles and picked up a lot of the rubbish, breaks and blue netting type stuff that was there.
                    One of the other plot holder turned up while we were there, and she has the three surrounding plots around ours. Seems she has been using ours as a cut through to hers, plus storing bits and pieces on there. She moved it all quickly though, and seems very friendly.


                    • #11
                      So it went from this:

                      To this:

                      In two hours! Not too bad really!
                      We also found some blackberries ready for picking amongst all the brambles and bind weed.
                      Attached Files


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