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Choke Berry


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  • Choke Berry

    Anyone looking for something different in fruit may be interested in the choke berry. Wilkinsons are selling them at �1 each. Never grown them before but willing to try anything once, nice healthy looking plant and grow and use similar to black currant. Would appreciate any comments from anyone who has grown them as there wasn't much info on the packaging.


  • #2
    I bought two in Wilkinsons today, but paid 50p each. Wikipedia says they are good for winemaking.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      hi, i use to grow choke berry back home in Russia. It is very tasty and pleasant fruit, grows quite bushy. requires almost no maintenace, so it's easy for beginners. Now I am looking to grow one on my allotment here.
      I also would like to suggest to try sea buckthorn. Jam made from its berries is so delisious. the problem is finding male and female trees, as nurseries usually sell them as decorative hedging and do not always know which one is which. For the best result two or three female trees for one male.
      Last edited by Suzanka; 08-04-2009, 10:09 AM.


      • #4
        Hi Suzanka - welcome to the Grapevine! Sea Buckthorn berries certainly are delicious. I've heard of the choke berry but never tasted it.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          That was on my list of plants to get - what were they with in Wilkinsons? I was in the other day but didn't see them

          Sea Buckthorn - I know Cool temperate
          and agroforestry
          both do males, have to wait until autumn though as they come bare rooted
          Last edited by purplekat; 08-04-2009, 01:04 PM.


          • #6
            Hi Purplekat, if you look at the dates you will see that we got our choke berries last May. Mine is just starting to come into leaf and is looking good. Keep an Eye out in Wilko and hopefully you will get one in the next month or so.



            • #7
              Not saying everyones will be like this, but I bought a chokeberry 2 or 3 years ago in wilkinsons and while it is hanging on, it isn't really doing very much, not growing hardly at all, very disappointing.
              "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

              Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


              • #8
                Am I right in thinking that chokeberry is the same as huckleberry? I bought a packet of seed and it says they are annual - grow into a bush and fruit in the same year. Dunno what happens to them after that mind.

                Dwell simply ~ love richly


                • #9
                  Two different plants, I grew hucklebery last year and yes they are an annual in this country. Mine grew well on the allotment and gave a good crop of berries. You need to leave the berries on the plant to really ripen and go really black. The choke berry is also on the allotment and is in full growing mide at the moment with some lovely coloured leaves, haven't had a look to see if there is any sign of any flowers yet.



                  • #10

                    I couldn't find any on my local Wilkinsons, but they have them here: Aronia Melenocarpa - Black Chokeberry | ScotPlantsDirect | Free Delivery Over ?49.99

                    Are these the same thing? YOu guys are saying they are 50p? That seems very cheap. What was the quality of them like? How do they grow in Northern climates? It pretty cold wher I live (Durham) so I am wondering if they will survive?

                    Any help greatly apreciated.


                    • #11
                      boo we dont have a wilkinsons up here


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