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Propogation of everbearing/perpetual strawberry plants


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  • Propogation of everbearing/perpetual strawberry plants


    For many years I have been growing everbearing (also known as perpetual fruiting) strawberries such as the variety 'Malling Opal'.

    Can anyone tell me if I propagate some new plants from runners from a Malling Opal parent will the young plants also be 'everbearing' Malling Opals or will they revert to normal strawberries which fruit just once then stop?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • #2
    They should be fine.
    The runners are like self rooting cuttings and if you let them get long enough they will produce plants at the correct spacing for your new bed.
    I am doing some that I acquired when I took the plot over. They are as small as the cheap supermarket ones but with a very nice flavor.
    Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


    • #3
      Runners, like all forms of vegetative propagation, are genetically identical to the parent plant, and therefore will possess identical traits. They are essentially clones.
      So if the parent is everbearing, so too will the offspring be.

      I'm planning on spreading some of my everbearers, myself. I bought 10 of each Elan and Toscana in a sale last year, and Elan are delicious and crop well. Toscana, on the other hand, are small, hard, and sour. I think I shall rip all of the Toscana out and replace them all with Elan runners.


      • #4
        My runners from Mara des Bois come true, been doing it for a while now and intend to get some new varieties, what are Malling Opal like, tasty?


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