I bought two rhubarb crowns last year, planted them, one grew a stalk or two and then died. The other grew lots of stalks. I didn't pick any and was very good
It looked pretty healthy though.
At the start of winter, I gave it a good dollop of manure and waited impatiently for it to grow some stalks this year that I could actually eat.
Well, it hasn't done anything. No new stalks, no new growth...
Have I killed it, do you reckon? Shouldn't it have started growing again, by now?

At the start of winter, I gave it a good dollop of manure and waited impatiently for it to grow some stalks this year that I could actually eat.
Well, it hasn't done anything. No new stalks, no new growth...
Have I killed it, do you reckon? Shouldn't it have started growing again, by now?