sad as it seems to make a fuss about it but the rain has finally stopped, after about 3 days non stop the sun has come out and that is after this has been the worst summer on record round here but now we can get out there to pick the goosegogs (which seem to love the rain) that have all turned a deep red, so they will be nice and sweet now, raspberries will be next after that and then the blueberries who have lapped up the extra water so I suppose its not all bad..
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a change
Whatever the weather does there are always winners and losers. My blueberries are laden with fruit so heavy that the branches are bending. But the melons (which I have not tried to grow before) are looking really unhappy, even in the greenhouse.A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
We had a rainy Friday, more like a delugey day, just as the 50 or so plums were finishing ripening on my Gypsy plum. Saturday was sunny, breezy and hot and I was just a bit too busy to go and pick the plums. On Sunday morning I took the basket down and every one had exploded on the tree - well, at least the wasps were happy.
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Reply to Winter projectsby Vince GSo a couple of weeks later than intended, work has commenced on my anti-ratty tunnel today.
Dismantling the existing structure was a lot harder than I expected, a lot of stuck screws that no amount of WD-40 would liberate! So a lot of action for my sharp mate Stanley, my hand axe and my...1 PhotoToday, 05:40 PM
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