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Grape vine pruning and variety question


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  • #16
    Id take too much leaf at this stage lol! Is it worth drilling some extra drainage holes in the bottom of the pot? Will post another pic showing improvement in the summer (hopefully).

    Any advice with the seedless variety?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Deano's "Diggin It" View Post
      Roitelet! Just as a matter of interest, are you posting from an iPad?
      If you are uploading photos from your iPad, crop them slightly smaller before uploading. They will come in the correct way then. Not sure why, but it was a tip from Sarico


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ben1030 View Post
        Its been in that pot for the full 2 years. I will report this weekend and refresh the soil. I've got some chicken manure i could also mix in?
        Will the pencil thick stem not hold the vine back in anyway? Its more or less as high as i want it so i could let it grow side wards now. Hopefully being in full sun this year may give it a boost.

        Wow the grapes are looking great. Thanks for the offer of the cuttings but unfortunately i don't have the greenhouse needed. Definitely something i will invest in when moving to a larger house with garden.
        I always give mine a mulch of well rotted manure in February and then it probably gets the run off of the tomato food that I feed the aubergines and peppers with that grow beneath later in the season.

        My original grapevine looked like skinny dead stick when I bought it. So much so my husband wanted to dig it up.

        The main stem will thicken up every year. This is a photo of what was the "skinny dead stick" a few years ago. I pruned it a couple of weeks ago.

        Here it was in Summer

        If you do cut back the main stem you won't give it the chance to fatten up. Just make sure you support the top growth well and do not prune the brown wood once the sap is up, only the green stems.

        Good Luck!
        Attached Files


        • #19
          Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
          If you are uploading photos from your iPad, crop them slightly smaller before uploading. They will come in the correct way then. Not sure why, but it was a tip from Sarico
          Cheers Scarlet, but have succumbed to the fact having kept a close eye on IPad posters this last few days, it is actually something to do with admit, which is a relief, as I thought it was me! I PM'd BM earlier as he as tried to input n direct, but Nicos posted a few days back the cogs are working in the background to try make the "Vine" a little more mobile device friendly! We'll see!
          "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


          • #20
            I have been pruning my grapes the last couple days - I did not realize how many I had, about 12, scattered about, some less successful than others - most are muscadine, the native grape to South USA.

            Most were planted last year and the year before so this summer I expect my first small crop. The couple planted from 5 years ago all go to the birds! Cardinals and red headed woodpeckers line up, each one will fly down, take one, and fly off with it - then the next one gets one. Fun to watch. This year I will net a few bunches for us.

            So I had encouraged the new vines to grow with a skeleton of what I wanted to ultimately become a proper form, and now all pruned off the shoots look great. The main trunks still only small finger sized, but looking good.

            These were just plants I would buy at the end of season for half to 75% off, usually in poor shape - and then stick in somewhere, and some put in prepared beds. They seem happy for the most part.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kimble View Post
              Cardinals and red headed woodpeckers line up, each one will fly down, take one, and fly off with it - then the next one gets one. Fun to watch. This year I will net a few bunches for us.
              You sure do get some nice looking birds down in Iowa
              He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

              Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


              • #22
                Hi Ben, I have just ordered a 'Flame' and have now come across your 'Vanessa' apparently both are similar but Flame is earlier. I'm in Lincolnshire so wishing I had gone for the Vanessa. We might just run out of summer when ripening occurs?

                Never grown a grape so just a bit excited. Up against outside of PVC conservatory and not too excited about banging nails in for the wires :-)


                • #23
                  I finally got round to re potting the 3 year old regent grape. As you can see from the pictures the root growth in the 3 years has been more or less non existent!!

                  Its been in the shade more than i would have liked but surely that cant hold it back that much? I didn't see any vine weevils while re potting, although i think you can only see them in summer?

                  Attached Files


                  • #24

                    I've given the regent vine all summer to grow.

                    As you can see its not looking good. By contrast the Vanessa grape grown in the same soil and position has gone wild. Its grown well over 2m tall and 1m wide!

                    Could there be something wrong with my regent vine or is it just not suited to growing outside in Yorkshire?
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      I would knock it out of the pot to check root growth and if there is anything lurking in the first instance. Hopefully it is just shock as I can't see anything scary (IMO) from that pic.


                      • #26
                        I had it out of the pot in the spring but cudnt see anything wrong (apart no next to no root growth in 2 years). Would i need to have a look during the summer for things like vine weevils?

                        Although it doesnt look particularly ill, i was hoping it would reach 2m and grow grapes in the next 50 years lol. id estimate so far its grown 5cm this year!
                        Last edited by Ben1030; 17-08-2016, 01:33 PM.


                        • #27
                          This site has pretty much all the information you might need, varieties and the 2 different ways to prune and grow grape vines.


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