I have 'Charlotte' potaoes growing in those specially designed sacks and have already earthed them up to the top og the sack as very healthy growth. Can anyone tell me when/how i will know when they are ready - obviously not yet but how do you know without digging them out and spoiling the crop?
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Hi Jo.T, Charlotte spuds will be ready for eating as 'new potatoes' 90 days from planting and if you want to store them they will need 110 days. Dont dig them all up at once as potatoes can double their weight in 2 weeks.
Enjoy themGardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet
Thanks for the advice Nick.
I dreamed about BW's potatoes last night- the one's we've got growing in barrels .... !!
I've asked him to have a furtle tomorrow as they are overflowing now having been banked up from planting about 4 feet down. There may well be some edible. Will look forward to it.
They'll be ready in about 13 weeks from planting Jo T. They may flower and they'll be ready just after that. Or they may not flower. Eventually the shaws (green growth) will start to turn yellow and die down. At that point the potatoes are as good as they are going to get and you should lift them.
In some ways it depends on what you want from them - the earliest potatoes or the heaviest crop.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
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