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Putting Growers With Adults - What Age?


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  • Putting Growers With Adults - What Age?

    At what age can I mix adults with growers? I'm thinking specifically of Elvis, who is a quiet, gentle cockerel of about 23 weeks, and a couple of Lt Sussex/Silkie cross hens, who are 11 weeks, but are bigger than the 13 week old RIRs they currently house-share with and can certainly hold their own with the Rhodies. The thing is, I feel sorry for Elvis; we had to separate him from the rest of the flock when he was being beaten up by his big brother and although we make a big fuss of him, have put him where he can see and, to a certain extent, interact with the others, and he certainly seems far less stressed than when he was hunching over waiting for the next attack, I think he needs real company. If it's going to be a while then I'm thinking about getting a couple of hybrids to pop in there with him, but then this would mean introducing the Sussex/Silkies later or organising yet another house and run and I'm rapidly running out of allotment.
    An alternative is to have the house and run, which is shortly to be made for the RIRs made bigger so the growers can all live together permanently, and to get the hybrids or whatever for Elvis. Either way it's going to mean giving over far more space to the chickens than I'd planned.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.

  • #2
    As long as they are all of a similar size, then they can go together. If your other cock is still around then he will still pick on Elvis, so Elvis will probably need his own space plus a couple of hens for company. Try Elvis in a small pen with 2 hens and all the rest together in the main pen.


    • #3
      My 11 week old chicks are about the same size as the new girls and I'd have no problem about putting them all in together - once the aggro has settled down of course! (aggro from the youngsters that is, stroppy teenagers )
      Last edited by MaureenHall; 24-05-2009, 01:39 PM.
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • #4
        When the older one is a solo, then it probably won't be a problem. Might be better sooner rather than later. Introducing equal numbers of very different ages/sizes can lead to problems, but introducing a small number to a larger number when similar size can be problematical too. If the eventual idea is for Elvis to share space with these youngsters, I would put them together while he has his extra size/age to make up for being outnumbered......
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #5
          Now I don't know the answer...sorry!But it's raised a "wonder" for me!!!
          I read that you should wait to breed hens until they are a year old...does this mean preventing them from mating or just not to allow any of the eggs to hatch???,is the mating the problem or is it just that at a young age they could produce weak chicks?
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #6
            Originally posted by andi&di View Post
            Now I don't know the answer...sorry!But it's raised a "wonder" for me!!!
            I read that you should wait to breed hens until they are a year old...does this mean preventing them from mating or just not to allow any of the eggs to hatch???,is the mating the problem or is it just that at a young age they could produce weak chicks?
            I've never actually come across this particular piece of advice, but I think I can see the logic behind it. As hens mature they lay bigger eggs, and a bigger egg gives the chick a better start in life........
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #7
              i'd definitely put elvis in with them now, you'll never know until you do it, and at least he's not mean like coco .... i reckon he'll be fine


              • #8
                Going to try it tomorrow when we can spend all day with them. Sundays are always difficult as OH takes Mum and her friends (all called Dorothy) to church and it effectively wipes out the morning. Coco isn't mean, he's just assertive! lol. OH and I were discussing this earlier and it had never occurred to us before, but they are exactly like our two sons. One is big and gorgeous and thinks he's God's gift and the other is quiet and not nearly so flamboyant - a line of his washing is black, grey and (occasionally) dark blue, - but he's a lovely lad.
                Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                • #9
                  it's funny, when they were littler, it was always elvis who was quicker to catch on to things than coco, he was always there when i was digging or bring food out or wanting a cuddle ... coco was always too busy looking at himself in the mirror ;-)


                  • #10
                    We're off to the lottie in a mo and we're taking the two Sussex/Silkies with us - the growers are still living at home. We thought we might pop them in a sectioned off area then let Elvis out for a wander and see what he thinks of them. Coco and his girls were out for a couple of hours early this morning so it won't hurt for them to stay in their run for the afternoon. Fingers Crossed.
                    Last edited by bluemoon; 25-05-2009, 11:10 AM.
                    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


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