Ok, so you all know I lost my fav. chook Nanny Ogg very sadly the other day,and from what I have read it really is not possible to add a single chook to an existing flock. I really can not justify adding two new big hens so I have had an amazing thought. I have a coop within my chook run which at the moment houses my daughters lovely lop bunny, who comes out and hops about with the girls now and then. When he moves to Bournemouth to live with her I could move in two silkies. The coop would be more than suitable for two little hens, and they are really lovely. I've always loved the look of them, little Dr.Suez birds. I could keep them there happily and then if the moment ever arose introduce them.Somehow two little silkies doesn't equate, and I really don't want to cope with the stress off introduction.
How much damage do they do in the garden, ie do they scratch about as much as hybrids, do loads of damage to plants?
Any thoughts?
How much damage do they do in the garden, ie do they scratch about as much as hybrids, do loads of damage to plants?
Any thoughts?