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'Bullying' Advice


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  • 'Bullying' Advice

    We had an incident this morning. I'm away from home, so didn't see it but #2 son witnesed part of it.

    Because of the cat attack, we now have our chickens in the back. They were all in together, as they have always been, big girls in with 5wk olds & 7 week olds, all quite happy.

    #2 son went out into the garden because there was a bit of noise, suspecting a bit of a kerfuffle but nothing much, usual stuff. When he got there our big Wheaten Marans had our 5 wk old Black rock by the neck and was shaking him violently from side to side. #2 son yelled and she dropped him and ran off.

    The chick has been dispatched as it was too badly injured and very distressed. We have no idea what provoked the attack, other than a fight over a tidbit, can anyone suggest a cause?

    They have plenty to do and lots of space, plenty of food...we are at a loss as to the reason for this attack.


    Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

    ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

    Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)

  • #2
    Have no advice but wanted to say sorry that has happened, you dont seem to be having much luck at the moment ((((((hugs))))) to you.


    • #3
      Get a cockerel, they will not put up with naughty behaviour like this!


      • #4
        Originally posted by petal View Post
        Get a cockerel, they will not put up with naughty behaviour like this!
        We can't Petal Too many neighbours to be upset by the noise.


        Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

        ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

        Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


        • #5
          How upsetting Jules.
          No idea why but Tbh I dont let my juniors out with the bigs until they are at least 3/4 of their size. Otherwise some hens can be too bossy for the poor little beggers, although I've never had one as bad as yours. My cockerals have been fine with my teens, and call them over for nice things like they do the hens, but they don't seem to stop the hens chasing them off. But my gander wont stand anyone fighting, regardless of sex or size. With a policeman that big around EVERYONE toes the line, even my OH
          Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


          • #6
            I'm with Hilly on this. I don't mix mine until they are near adult size. Some chicks/growers are just too small to defend themselves against big bossy hens. If you do run all ages/sizes together, it's really important to make sure there is plenty of space so the younger/smaller ones can escape. They need to be able to run or fly away from the bullies. Plenty of obstacles to run round or hide behind or under helps too.


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