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Advice on starter purebreeds please


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  • Advice on starter purebreeds please

    Hi all,

    We are getting chickens next month, I've tried to be as academically prepared as possible, Read books, magazines, trawled websites etc as well as booked myself on a poultry husbandry and care course run by a local hatchery (where we plan to go to buy our first ladies).

    Reading up on things has given me a little more confidence going into this adventure, but I'm under no kind of impression that the chickens themselves have read the same books I have.

    In my research I looked for breeds that would suit our needs. We intend to start with 2/3 hens, layers, with the idea being to get a couple more as the laying eases up to keep our supply going without overcrowding. There are 4 children in our family aging from 19 months to 10 years (although the 19mo isnt that interested in chickens and is unlikely to ever be!) so friendly hens are a priority. I'd love for them to be tamed as well.

    I understand that even though breeds will have particular characteristics there will be exceptions, but general breeds would be a great starting point!

    We had thought we would start with (excuse me if any of these mean the same type or are incorrect) Isa browns, Warrens, or Golden Coments, but from what I can gather those are all hybrids and the hatchery we are using seems to only sell pure breeds.

    If anyone can help me on this I would be very grateful, thank you!

  • #2
    Hi, 3 laying hens to start with is ideal. I would absolutely go for 3 nice hybrids- you can google: bluebelle, skyline, warren, white star, speckledy. etc. Great for beginners, they will soon become tame - don't expect them to be so to start with but you will find your kids will soon make friends with them. Find a breeder who has fully vaccinated hybrids, avoid purebreeds until you are experienced and do not allow anyone to talk you in to having chicks or growers. they will be off loading a load of cockerels onto you. Good luck. Even with all our pure breeds, we still keep 4 hybrid layers and they are my favourites as they are less temperamental and more friendly. Also, they lay a regular supply of eggs, which is more than I can say for the others! Out of all our breeds the nastiest are the wyandottes!!


    • #3
      You can always ask the breeder to recommend somewhere where you can buy your desired hybrid if they don't sell them themselves.

      Failing that, if you have your heart set on buying from this breeder then Light Sussex, Maran or Rhode Island Red are easy to keep pure breeds.


      • #4
        Fantastic, thanks to both of you. No doubt I'll be straight back in here the moment I have any questions.
        Petal I understand they will take time to tame, not sure the children do but I'll deal with that when we get there.
        We live in a fairly built up area (neighbours all around except for the warehouses at the bottom of the garden) so I've no intention of taking anything I haven't personally seen produce an egg!
        Richmond, the reason I have this breeder in mind is that I've read an awful lot of horror stories on various forums about bad sales, bad environments that the chickens were kept in, poor customer service and aftercare etc, but not a single bad thing about this one. In fact I've seen nothing but glowing reviews which is reassuring, and when we visited I spoke to several of the customers and they were all 'regulars' and gave me great feedback about the establishment.
        I would consider going elsewhere, but I'd have to be very confident with them. It's just a happy coincidence that this 'fantastic' breeder is also the most local to me.
        Thank you for the pure breeds, all info much appreciated.
        Happy chickening!


        • #5
          Well done RH! yes light sussex are lovely. We still have our original light sussex hen plodding about the place- they have lovely personalities and are not bad egg layers at all. Marans lay lovely brown eggs and rhode island reds are hardy - so that gives 3 viable, good starter pure breeds. Personally I have a soft spot for those light sussex!!!.....


          • #6
            Warehouses at the bottom of the garden..... watch out for RATS!!!!!
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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