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Exchange or SAE seeds


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  • Exchange or SAE seeds

    I have the following seeds in unopened packs:

    Thompson & Morgan Gosenheimer Carrot
    Thompson & Morgan Touchon Carrot
    Thompson & Morgan Baval Corn Salad
    Mr Fothergills American Land Cress
    Mr Fothergills Jade Lambs Lettuce
    Mr Fothergills Golden Berry Cape Gooseberry
    Thompson & Morgan Lyon Prizetaker Leek
    Mr Fothergills Di Firenze Fennel

    The following loose seeds:

    Suttons Keveldon Wonder Peas
    Alan Romans Spinnaker F1 Spinach
    Alan Romans Invitation Swede

    I would be interested in any unusual squash types, particulary those of the kabocha or hubbard distinctions. I would also like patty pan Summer squashes, unusual/coloured radishes or pomodorino tomatoes. If there are any autumn planting onion sets available, I would also be interested.

    Failing that, if you ask nicely and supply a SAE, I will pop some of the loose seeds in the post!
    Last edited by planesailing; 25-08-2009, 08:33 PM. Reason: edited to remove seeds that have gone...

  • #2
    Hi Planesailing, I'd be interested in some "Crown Prince" seeds if poss, I've popped a pm on with detail's..thanks xx


    • #3
      Hi Plane sailing i Have PM'd you
      Cheers .... John

      Web link to our Allotment website

      PS my plot is 9 shown on the Plot Holders Pictures


      • #4
        Just to update, the following remain.

        I have the following seeds in unopened packs:

        Thompson & Morgan Saxa 3 Radish
        Thompson & Morgan Gosenheimer Carrot
        Thompson & Morgan Touchon Carrot
        Thompson & Morgan Baval Corn Salad
        Mr Fothergills American Land Cress
        Mr Fothergills Jade Lambs Lettuce
        Mr Fothergills Lateman Cauliflower
        Mr Fothergills Golden Berry Cape Gooseberry
        Thompson & Morgan Lyon Prizetaker Leek
        Mr Fothergills Di Firenze Fennel
        Thompson & Morgan Harbinger Tomato

        The following loose seeds:

        Suttons Keveldon Wonder Peas
        Alan Romans Cantaloupe Minnesota Melon
        Alan Romans Spinnaker F1 Spinach
        Thompson & Morgan Red Cabbage (Type Unknown)
        Thompson & Morgan Zuboda Courgette
        Alan Romans Green Globe Improved F1 Artichoke
        Alan Romans Invitation Swede

        Thank you for all the enquiries thus far.


        • #5
          I currently have an opened pack of Purple Radish - Hilds blauer und Winter (something like that) to swop. I am at work so will need to check what else I have later. I am interested in some Harbinger Tomato, Minnesota Melon, Red Cabbage. I may have some onion seeds, I think that thwy are autumn bt will check and get back to you. Will PM you my current seed range.


          • #6
            Plane, I've copied that list into your first post so that people can see what you have left.....


            • #7
              just sent pm too thanks

              One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until that day, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Urbanlearner View Post
                I currently have an opened pack of Purple Radish - Hilds blauer und Winter (something like that) to swop. I am at work so will need to check what else I have later. I am interested in some Harbinger Tomato, Minnesota Melon, Red Cabbage. I may have some onion seeds, I think that thwy are autumn bt will check and get back to you. Will PM you my current seed range.
                Those three are waiting for you, just let me know what you have.


                • #9
                  Hi planesailing

                  I have pm you re some artichoke seeds

                  Thought For The Day
                  If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                  Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                  • #10
                    Thanks, seeds arrived today.


                    • #11
                      thanks, swaps arrived today


                      • #12
                        Cheers PS

                        Swaps arived yesterday

                        Cheers .... John

                        Web link to our Allotment website

                        PS my plot is 9 shown on the Plot Holders Pictures


                        • #13
                          I have just updated the list at the top of the thread with what is left.

                          If anyone has any chillis that they would like to swap for the above, I would be interested.


                          • #14

                            Have pm'd you.



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