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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • That looks stunning Scarlet.


    • I know this has been asked before. There's a fairly high chance I've asked before
      Which specialist chilli seed suppliers don't you all use?

      I'm starting to plan future grow lists (it's raining, I'm bored)

      I know sea Spring are very good. But I've nearly grown everything I want to from their.
      I've recently looked at Nicky's nursery again. Some tempting varieties on their. Does anyone know if there standards have improved? The last 3 out of 4 packets of chilli seeds from their didn't germinate (whole packets sown within 3 months of purchase).
      Obviously the seed circle is good, thinking about joining in again this year

      I'm guessing the chilli VSP is closed at the moment, so it would be safe for me to go and have a look !

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      Photos just there cause I like it ( sugar rush peach ). And it made you look


      • I've mostly been just getting seeds from swaps in the last couple of years but I'm thinking about buying some seeds in for next year. If you want to spend hours browsing, check out

        I've not used them (yet?) but they have a good reputation. I'm thinking of trying some of their pubescens / rocotos next year - but there again, I'm also thinking of re-growing some of the things I've liked in the past, plus I also want to reduce my grow as I have far too many plants this year. These plans are not compatible.

        I've had mixed results (mostly bad) from Nicky's but that was with seeds bought in 2016, so a few years ago. It wouldn't be my first choice but, like you say, they may have improved. South Devon chilli farm are supposed to be good but not the widest selection of exciting varieties.


        • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
          I've mostly been just getting seeds from swaps in the last couple of years but I'm thinking about buying some seeds in for next year. If you want to spend hours browsing, check out

          I've not used them (yet?) but they have a good reputation. I'm thinking of trying some of their pubescens / rocotos next year - but there again, I'm also thinking of re-growing some of the things I've liked in the past, plus I also want to reduce my grow as I have far too many plants this year. These plans are not compatible.

          I've had mixed results (mostly bad) from Nicky's but that was with seeds bought in 2016, so a few years ago. It wouldn't be my first choice but, like you say, they may have improved. South Devon chilli farm are supposed to be good but not the widest selection of exciting varieties.
          I've had a quick look at that link. I want lots of them. There's 5 or 6 I really really want to try. Yes I like that link a lot.


          • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
            I've mostly been just getting seeds from swaps in the last couple of years but I'm thinking about buying some seeds in for next year. If you want to spend hours browsing, check out

            I've not used them (yet?) but they have a good reputation. I'm thinking of trying some of their pubescens / rocotos next year - but there again, I'm also thinking of re-growing some of the things I've liked in the past, plus I also want to reduce my grow as I have far too many plants this year. These plans are not compatible.

            I've had mixed results (mostly bad) from Nicky's but that was with seeds bought in 2016, so a few years ago. It wouldn't be my first choice but, like you say, they may have improved. South Devon chilli farm are supposed to be good but not the widest selection of exciting varieties.

            That site is pure chilli porn!! Never seen so many varieties. Shopping list coming soon for next year, will let you know what I’ve ordered!


            • I got my Cherio Roxa from Victorian nurseries I think they had quite a varied selection but not as big as semillas though that�s chilli madness!!
              Last edited by Chrissyteacup; 06-06-2019, 09:44 PM.


              • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                I've had a quick look at that link. I want lots of them. There's 5 or 6 I really really want to try. Yes I like that link a lot.

                Good pricing, service, and range, that grows true from Premier Seeds Direct - they have a website and an eBay store. I know eBay is usually a massive no no for chilli seeds, but these are an exception.


                • Originally posted by dave_100 View Post
                  Good pricing, service, and range, that grows true from Premier Seeds Direct - they have a website and an eBay store. I know eBay is usually a massive no no for chilli seeds, but these are an exception.
                  Yes, I’ve heard that they are reliable but never tried them myself.


                  • Originally posted by dave_100 View Post
                    Good pricing, service, and range, that grows true from Premier Seeds Direct - they have a website and an eBay store. I know eBay is usually a massive no no for chilli seeds, but these are an exception.
                    Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                    Yes, I�ve heard that they are reliable but never tried them myself.
                    I've used them for other things but not chillies. They've always been a good company. Thanks for the remainder I'll have a look.

                    Mitzi I did a virtual shopping list from your link. 9 packets of must have seeds later. That was being very restrained


                    • With a week of cloud and rain forecast this week I'm a little concerned my chillies won't be getting the sunlight they need, I know they need at least 4 hours plus of sunlight. I guess they will just stagnate for a week or so?

                      Hoping someone can just reassure me that I'm on track for a good harvest and they aren't getting too stretchy/leggy searching for light? Here they all are.


                      I have quite a few flowers pollinated now with chillies coming through so I'm probably being silly, but I'm almost obsessing over the weather forecast at the moment, knowing how much sun they thrive with!


                      • Trade Wind Fruits is a US based one I have used in the past....had a good selection back then, not sure what they are like now
                        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                        ...utterly nutterly


                        • Not used either of these but they have some interesting varieties (+ tomatoes!)

                          All Hot Peppers-Tomato Growers Supply Company - USA based, owned by the family who created the Black Cherry tomato

                 - Belgium based
                          Last edited by toomanytommytoes; 13-06-2019, 02:11 PM.


                          • Just for Small Pumpkin!!

                            Trinidad perfume

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                            Jalapeno Fooled You!

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                            and the sickly looking Apple Crisp. Do they always look crinkly as I can't see anything on the leaves?

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                            • Wow VC those Trinidad perfume are looking stunning! So much better than mine.
                              Jalape�o fooled you are looking about the same as mine. Think they're going to be quite a big plant !
                              My apple crisp isn't doing that, but I do have a couple of other plants doing the crinkly leave thing. Like you I can see anything on the plant. It's very odd.
                              Back in a minute with pictures so we can compare notes


                              • I think I have a chili on the Fooled you!!

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