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Growing onions from seed


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
    First of all, Peter's world record onion has probably not even been put down to seed yet and the earliest date that seed will be available will be in the autumn of this year. It is very unlikely that anyone other than Peter will be selling seed from that onion.

    I bought some Large exhibition onion seed from Peter in November. It was from the same strain as his world record effort and Peter only charged �5 for 50 seeds. There is no need to pay more than you have to, cut out the middle man and go direct to Peter. He is a lovely fella.
    I completely agree with the reservations you're making, AP, but that is the Medwyn Catalogue price (I've a copy sitting in front of me c/w photo of PG, Page 13, Item 1001) with the heading ".....WORLD RECORD ONION PLANTS" (note plural). I suspect they're the same as the ones you've purchased "sown earlier..... seed from the same stock" but as you say considerably dearer through middleman.

    I haven't bought any but was citing the price for Matt's benefit/concern... I buy most of mine from local super-hero Wilkinsons... (They really are a relatively local company and their vast distribution centre is just up the road...). I will confess to buying a few more specialised seeds last year for the local show from Robinsons (and did quite well with them but still got hammered overall by Super X, very annoying.) Am using the remainder of them for this year's probable hammering, duh! Brilliant to have your advice AP coz Super X (as far as I know) is not on this List....! Unless... Unless... Unless......


    • #17
      Originally posted by rob the roller View Post
      I grow for the kitchen rather than the show bench. Having said that, all else being equal, bigger is obviously better, so welcome any advice on getting the biggest possible bulbs.
      Actually Rob, I don't necessarily find that the case, certainly pickling onion size too fiddly but for general kitchen use I find the ones they tend to call "Spanish Onions" in supermarkets as large as I'd want to go and half that size for more general use. For kitchen use I mostly use sets - you get the same variety of size and the same problems but a lot easier in the earlier stages. The bullneck ones sound like they've bolted (rushed to seed, usually through sudden variation in conditions) and are best used first.

      In terms of continuity for kitchen use have you yet got into so-called "Japanese onions" that are sown in Autumn, will overwinter and grow in the Spring reaching maturity early Summer?

      Loads of general tips available via Google of course, this one is quite informative:
      How to grow onions and spring onions for success and flavour

      Impressed you use worm compost!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Matt94 View Post
        bazzaboy im not spending �45 quid on seeds, i think i'll stick to kelsea or robinsons mammoth, they're only a couple of quid a packet!
        I completely agree with you, Matt, but then I don't grow for mainstream shows, just our little local one. (And AP has clearly demonstrated once you're operating within the inner circles the charges modify.) There used to be a lot of debate - not only about onions but the world at large - which was typified by the phrase "Nature versus Nurture" which I suppose today would translate into "DNA" and "Environment". As far as the onion goes the origins of the seed and the growing conditions and care become optimum: it hasn't changed that certain strains/genres/origins will have a tendency towards larger/heavier produce and thus the value/price put upon the seed.... Success is not guaranteed but statistically chances improve.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bazzaboy View Post
          I buy most of mine from local super-hero Wilkinsons
          I don't any more: they gifted me some white rot. The "gift" that keeps on giving, for sure.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            oh yeh bazzaboy, i can understand why you would spend that sort of money on seeds, but its my first year, so im just seeing how things go - plus like you said im not growing them to enter the in the big shows.

            thanks again for all of your replies, im sure they will also be useful for someone else too!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              I don't any more: they gifted me some white rot. The "gift" that keeps on giving, for sure.
              Was that sets, TS, not seeds?


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