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Fighting fire with fire - weed burners?


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  • Fighting fire with fire - weed burners?

    I imagine this well experienced and versed cohort has a few opinions about weed burners and their efficiency.. I just bought one online and am hoping it will help me in the constant battle to keep my border presentable (seriously - I could make a rolly bale a day from the grasses that spring up overnight).
    My border - which I've planted more or less regularly with lavender, rosemary, thyme, oregano and a bunch of wildflower seeds (yes, perhaps that wasn't my best ever idea, just trying to entice the bees in).. but as if from nowhere come the docks, nettles, bindweed, hogweed, that sticky stuff with the burrs on it.. will the burner work on those d'you reckon? I don't mind doing it regularly..
    Any advice/warnings much appreciated, I'm a complete novice in the burning world!

  • #2
    The burners can only burn the tops off. So works well for annual weeds and meadow grass - but anything perennial will just grow back from the roots

    I suppose killed repeatedly the perennial weeds would eventually be weakened and die - but you'd have to keep at it as soon as they reappear.


    • #3
      They are OK but I find only for the smaller annual weeds and they need to be used when the weather and ground are dry or you will waste a lot of the heat drying the area out first. Mine is a big gas fired one and I only use it on the parking area. Vinegar and salt are as effective.
      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


      • #4
        I use one when clearing large areas, it is actually a roofing torch. As previously mentioned it only window dresses the weeds but it also helps kill any seeds on the surface.
        Last edited by Greenleaves; 29-06-2017, 05:35 PM.


        • #5
          That all sounds like I was expecting, so thank you! I can just zap them back every week or fortnight and perhaps bung a combo of salt and vinegar on the stubs (pickled weeds?) just to help them along..


          • #6
            Nice that you are thinking of the bees.


            • #7
              would road salt do for killing weeds especially bind weed ? atb Dal


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dalrimple View Post
                would road salt do for killing weeds especially bind weed ? atb Dal
                That's what I use but not sure how effective it will be against bind weed. It's fine for dandelions and other rosette type weeds. Just a little in the middle will do the trick. With bind weed you would have to use a lot and this could affect the fertility of the soil.
                Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                • #9
                  Originally posted by roitelet View Post
                  That's what I use but not sure how effective it will be against bind weed. It's fine for dandelions and other rosette type weeds. Just a little in the middle will do the trick. With bind weed you would have to use a lot and this could affect the fertility of the soil.
                  its coming in from the plot next door so I may just put a 200mm strip down along the boundry atb Dal.


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