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the good and the bad


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  • the good and the bad

    Just wondering if the rest of you is have major bug problems this year , i moved 6 months ago and the plot was already made , its one of the best soil iv seen or grown in BUT seem to be fighting against
    every type of bug pest around . white fly/green fly / maggots , killed my turnips >< /weevils red and black /slugs/black bean aphids /cents / ants /pea aphids/birds . etc .... saying all that stuff thats not been attacked is growing better then i have ever grown in the past . still keeping to my organic ways and il not change ( apart from the slug pellets ) never been so tempted to dump toxic waste and kill all the pest

    Hythe kent allotments

  • #2
    Seems to me that you have good biodiversity on your new plot

    You can find a posiotive in anything!
    There's vegetable growing in the family, but I must be adopted
    Happy Gardening!


    • #3
      Last year that was my problem,nearly everything destroyed, made me wonder what i would have to do different this year, my brother, a 1/4 mile away, laughed at me,better gardener and all that, this year, his garden/plot, is already heaving with blackfly/ whitefly, ... yeessss, not a problem on mine,YET, but it,s funny how things can be sooo different 12 months later, my turn next year?


      • #4
        Strange Dave, isn't it. I read about all these pests but I don't have them. Hardly a slug - so far I have found 3. I'm sure all that could change !
        I'm sure the Grapes are sick hearing me banging on about the deer. Before I fenced them out that was like having slugs 5 feet high. They ate everything.
        Now that I don't have them I have no pests. Long may it last.
        I know the fox has had a very bad press, but I don't keep poultry, and as far as I can see the one who goes through here every night only eats the slugs, woodlice, voles and other critters I don't want.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          We've been inundated with blackfly this year, the broad beans were totally infested almost overnight. I am going to replant and they will be later but not to worry. Slugs have attacked a variety of things that I too have resorted to slug pellets this year, something I usually manage to avoid despite hubby's insistence.

          The resident rabbit at home has had a nibble at most things but she seems to be learning that it is not a good idea. That only leaves cat disturbance which is waning now the spuds are up and nicely leafy - therefore no soil to "dig".
          Bright Blessings

          If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


          • #6
            Hi davefromthechipie

            You seem to have encountered the good and the bad but watch out for the UGLY!!!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #7
              I've seen the odd slug although there doesn't seem to be any slug damage. I do use slug pellets between the crops. I did have black fly on the growing tips of the broad beans, I pinched out the tips and this solved the problem. This is my first year and I've got a feeling things are going too well.


              • #8
                Root Fly wars 3: the Gardner strikes back

                Ok i got most things under control today killed about 1mill of green black fly eggs by hand on potatos /beans /peas /toms /lets/strews..etc sorted my nemo for wevvils and slugs seems to of worked wonders but my greatest enemy the cab root fly seem to be winning as i cant find a way of killing them ,they have started there attack on my radish and my carrots /bac /coul /kewl/cabs will be the next targets . no point netting now they have set in so really thinking of getting a insect netting cage for my plot ,laying underlay then putting new topsoil etc on it about 2 foot . not cheap but i love my organic home grown as you all do and seeing it attacked this this is heartbreaking .failure is not an option

                Hythe kent allotments


                • #9
                  Can someone tell me what little nasty has fluorescent green eggs, really bright can't miss em! Found a few of these but so far have managed to squish em before the hatch.

                  Thank you!


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