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struggling to identify this weed


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  • #16
    en passant I was going to mention Pulmonaria (it obviously isn't that, but looked a bit like a relative - on the basis that several of my relatives are nothing like as handsome as me of course!) as mine is in flower just now. Leaf looked more like Comfrey to me too ... another look-alike but unrelated relative then, eh?! and on reading the article it mentioned Brunnera which I can see a look-of too (haven't noticed mine yet this year, which probably means it hasn't started to move yet, so too early for that to be in flower ... B. Jack Frost has a lovely leaf though (and flowers a bit like Forget-me-nots, without the carpet-bombing seed sowing bad behaviour!)

    "This plant deserves to be much better known in gardens." Should I ask for some seed for my garden?

    "It's only 'bad habit' is a little gentle self-seeding" seems a bit at odds with notgreenfingers experience though!
    Last edited by Kristen; 24-03-2015, 09:39 AM.
    K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


    • #17
      Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
      Bravo! Good work.
      Pain is still pain, suffering is still suffering, regardless of whoever, or whatever, is the victim.
      Everything is worthy of kindness.


      • #18
        I think the issue is that it's had 8+ years of being left alone so it's "gentle self seeding" has gone a little crazy. I feel bad now trying to eradicate it, should I collect some seeds & offer it around?


        • #19
          Originally posted by notgreenfingers View Post
          I feel bad now trying to eradicate it
          Sounds like, whatever you do, you are going to control it rather than eradicated it?!!

          should I collect some seeds & offer it around?
          One of the bits I read was about underplanting a Beech (I think?) tree with it. I liked the sound of something that could cope in the dry, shady, dead zone under a tree like that, and I definitely have some spots like that.

          If the seed doesn't carry (on wind etc.) then it couldn't (easily) spread from there, as there would be a large stretch of lawn before any seed could invade a border.

          If it sounds like that would work? I'd love some seed if it were possible, easy, and not putting you to any trouble

          Surprisingly?? none of the regular, somewhat unusual, seed suppliers I use list it.

          Beth Chatto (local-ish to me) has plants, and sings it praises "Superb ground-cover in dense shade"
          The Beth Chatto Gardens - S - Z > Trachystemon > Trachystemon orientalis
          K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


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