All cats should be fitted with collars and bells. To protect the birds and establish that they have a home and are licensed. The licence fee could then fund all ferals being trapped, neutered and homed, or destroyed. As long as they are fat, fed and spayed they don't cause too much trouble.
I have to admit a while back I checked the legality of shooting a cat (it isn't) as one has been bothering our chickens. I kept finding it on the run trying to get in. Whilst I don't think it would take one on in the open... if it were to get them in a confined space? Lately, It seems to have got the message- as I was forever shouting and throwning what was to hand in its direction. If someone's dog were to worry a farmers sheep that's ok to shoot but then its perfectly acceptable for cats to worry my livestock and I have no protection
As far as sh*tting in your garden goes...They do go for empty beds-a bit of gorse and a waterpistol are handy in your armoury..didn't find lion poo that easy to come by round here!
I did used to have cats in London -because it got to the stage when the mice were getting bolder. 1/2 moons in the buiscuits and didn't even move till you went for them! They didn't catch many mice but the mice just moved out because of the smell of cats.
So I don't mind cats but it is important that people take responsibility for their pets, It is simply not good enough to say "Oh, their independant creatures"
I have to admit a while back I checked the legality of shooting a cat (it isn't) as one has been bothering our chickens. I kept finding it on the run trying to get in. Whilst I don't think it would take one on in the open... if it were to get them in a confined space? Lately, It seems to have got the message- as I was forever shouting and throwning what was to hand in its direction. If someone's dog were to worry a farmers sheep that's ok to shoot but then its perfectly acceptable for cats to worry my livestock and I have no protection

As far as sh*tting in your garden goes...They do go for empty beds-a bit of gorse and a waterpistol are handy in your armoury..didn't find lion poo that easy to come by round here!
I did used to have cats in London -because it got to the stage when the mice were getting bolder. 1/2 moons in the buiscuits and didn't even move till you went for them! They didn't catch many mice but the mice just moved out because of the smell of cats.
So I don't mind cats but it is important that people take responsibility for their pets, It is simply not good enough to say "Oh, their independant creatures"