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  • #31
    Originally posted by Starchild View Post
    Could take up night gardening I suppose
    Lunar planting????
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #32
      Its having children that's done it for me - I seem to be hyper-aware of what is going on in the house at night which means that although I fall asleep easily I always wake up 10 minutes before a child (needing the loo or having a nightmare etc) and then take forever to drop off again. The trouble is that as soon as I get in the passenger seat of the car I'm off in the land of nod, tongue lolling like a hot dog and drooling like a baby - really attractive

      So if you see me asleep in the car on a motorway somewhere - take pity and try not to laugh too much


      • #33
        Sarzwix my OH snores and has been diagnosed with sleep apnia and now has to wear a cpap at night bliss for me no more snooring unless he takes it off which he does sometimes.
        quark1 I have had carpel tunnel, my right hand I have had an operation for about 10 years ago, my left hand comes and goes and I had an injection a few weeks ago and its been fine, no more sleepless nights because of that.
        Other things keep me awake tho.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • #34
          Originally posted by Nicos View Post
          Lunar planting????
          Or Skyclad(naked) night-time planting (as suggested by a not very helpful Wiccan friend of mine!)


          • #35
            Originally posted by Starchild View Post
            Or Skyclad(naked) night-time planting (as suggested by a not very helpful Wiccan friend of mine!)
            Ha ha! When I was expecting no.3 child it was really really hot and I couldn't sleep at all - so outside I went onto the garden chairs for a blissful (and naked) nights sleep in the garden...when OH got up in the morning he nearly had a heart attack!

            I put it down to hormones...


            • #36
              Bleedin' typical~feeling quite tired & ready to sleep for a change but I've got to stay up to keep an eye on the chicken!Spent longer(a lot longer)than intended at the lottie(kiddies didn't eat til 9:15!!)~was intending on roasting the chicken for tea~ended up with beans/cheese on toast~didn't remember the rather pricey F.ranger in the fridge till 11:30~BB today!!
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #37
                I used to have very poor sleep patterns, single mum, 3 teenage children - not good! I tried hypnotherapy for something else and my 'homework' was to listen to the taped sessions. I couldn't get past the first few sentences and I was out for the count. After a while I tried a different talking book tape and it worked just as well. Now I have an MP3 player loaded with talking books (music doesn't work), I'm asleep in no time and if I wake during the night, put it back on and straight back to sleep - I'm totally dependent on my 'bed time stories', but I guess it's better than something chemical.
                My heart goes out to you all, before I found what helped me, my life was very, very miserable.
                Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                • #38
                  So, waiting for the results of my tests about my sleep pattern, will be available Tuesday.

                  The leukaemia thingy has been playing up over the past few days, my spleen is about 15 times bigger than it should be so it's bloody uncomfortable at night - can't sleep on one side because of the pressure on my spleen, can't sleep on the other side because of the pressure caused by my spleen.

                  So was up 5 times last night, 4 times both nights previously and I'm now absolutely knackered.

                  I ended up taking two Piriton last night because of the pruritis caused by the spleen being swollen and managed to get 4 hours at last.

                  But now I feel really ill, one reason being I'm exhausted.

                  On to the terrace with my feet up for an hour I think and definately no gardening today.
                  TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                  • #39

                    ...and I thought I was suffering with lack of sleep!

                    Hope things settle down for you soon.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #40
                      Sorry to read that TonyF, sounds awful, you do right in taking it easy. Some people say don't sleep in the day or you still won't sleep at night but I find that a power nap can make a world of difference. I know if I only manage to get about 3 or 4hrs sleep at night I feel physically sick.

                      If anyone wants a sure fire way of getting to sleep I find Paul McKena's weight loss video works every time. I haven't lost any weight using it but I know I can sleep if I need to!


                      • #41
                        I am really disorientated!
                        We slept badly last night (OH had sprout farts so was fidgety).

                        I was shattered all day, so went to bed at 7pm. Woken by 20 stone of grunt snoring in my face ... kicked it a few times, but snoring persisted for over an hour. Took out my earplugs (they itch me) and kicked him again. He turned over, and stopped snoring, but by this time I'm too cross to sleep.

                        Get up, thinking it's about 5am ... and it was only half eleven

                        I have zero chance of sleep tonight, so I've just had my breakfast
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #42
                          I'm having real trouble with my sleep patterns too... Keep falling asleep on the sofa coz of the painkillers, then waking up after Mr Wix has fallen asleep and can't get the pile of pillows upstairs without him, to go to bed. Spent the whole night on the sofa last night, not good for my poor back!
                          And look, it's 2:45am and I'm still awake! At least I'm in bed though - I think he's fallen asleep on the sofa!!


                          • #43
                            I went back up at 2am after some Calpol ... I fell asleep eventually, got about 5 hrs. Mr S just brought me a coffee and said he dreamed that somebody was kicking him
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #44
                              another insomniac here, 20 years of split shifts did for my sleep pattern, and i have never recovered.

                              i usually get 4 hours but then end up sleepy at about 5pm for an hour, then that stops me sleeping at night again.

                              i usually end up having to pull an all nighter and then go to bed at a reasonable time the next day.

                              and 'the change' definitely contributes these days as well, night sweats and i cant get back to sleep

                              perhaps we should have a group chat on msn at night for us bad sleepers
                              Vive Le Revolution!!!
                              'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                              Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                              • #45
                                We have Radio 7 on at night (I know that's meant to be one of the worst things you can do!). If there is anything I am really looking forward to (old repeats of Old Harry's Game - or anything by Andy Hamilton) I fall asleep 20 seconds into it - really annoying!

                                The other thing that always put us to sleep was 'Letter from America' - not that it was boring just the quiet, soothing voice. Refused to play it in the car!

                                I ususally wake at 3 and doze off and on till 6 when I slip into a coma, have extremely vivid dreams which wake me up!

                                OH gets up, has a cup of tea and googles till tired.


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