Ho ho ho - it's that time of year again.
Well, hello boys and girls.
And [mods]
Blitzen tells me that you have all been - err, well mostly all been - good little grapes this year. So I'm back, and I'm ready for 'present' action.
*The Vine Secret Santa is: You get a name, and send them a pressie which is totally anonymous - and the person then opens it on Christmad Day.
You are not allowed to divulge or hint as to who has sent what to who....so if you want to join in, send Secret Santa your details as below.
The Rules:
You must be an active Grape [see the seed swap rules]
Strictly �5 maximum cost - home made is good, 2 for 3 is good, but keep the amount you spend strictly within a �5 max value.
I won't be contacting anyone for addresses, everyone interested send me a PM with:
Vine name
Name and address to which you want your pressie sending
Once I get the above, you will be 'in' and you will get a name sent back
Please send your present to your named person before the middle of December, the earlier the better. Otherwise I'll have to take action. And when Santa takes action, there will be tears and they won't be mine.
It is best to send your pressie within a couple of weeks max, so that they all have time to arrive.
Let the fun commence.
Oh, one last thing. Santa will be busy this Christmad, so any addresses received after midnight on the 14th December will not be forwarded. This isn't Santa being mean, this is Santa after having been on his Time Management refresher course this summer.
Get your names in whilst you can folks, you have about 4 weeks so get it sorted.
Well, hello boys and girls.
And [mods]
Blitzen tells me that you have all been - err, well mostly all been - good little grapes this year. So I'm back, and I'm ready for 'present' action.
*The Vine Secret Santa is: You get a name, and send them a pressie which is totally anonymous - and the person then opens it on Christmad Day.
You are not allowed to divulge or hint as to who has sent what to who....so if you want to join in, send Secret Santa your details as below.
The Rules:
You must be an active Grape [see the seed swap rules]
Strictly �5 maximum cost - home made is good, 2 for 3 is good, but keep the amount you spend strictly within a �5 max value.
I won't be contacting anyone for addresses, everyone interested send me a PM with:
Vine name
Name and address to which you want your pressie sending
Once I get the above, you will be 'in' and you will get a name sent back
Please send your present to your named person before the middle of December, the earlier the better. Otherwise I'll have to take action. And when Santa takes action, there will be tears and they won't be mine.
It is best to send your pressie within a couple of weeks max, so that they all have time to arrive.
Let the fun commence.
Oh, one last thing. Santa will be busy this Christmad, so any addresses received after midnight on the 14th December will not be forwarded. This isn't Santa being mean, this is Santa after having been on his Time Management refresher course this summer.
Get your names in whilst you can folks, you have about 4 weeks so get it sorted.