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Tudor Monastery Farm


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  • #61
    Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
    As A 22 year old I was seconded into helping load some sheep into a lorry, the chaps were grabbing them by the horns to move them.

    One old soak said grab that one I did and all hell broke loose, I ended up in the mud, sheep goodness knows where and all the guys having a really good laugh. Later found out it was a large tup ram, I must have been so na�ve to think I could just grab those fluffy baa sheep, I had never felt strength like it.

    Of course the two best ways to move sheep are quite painless, they will follow you to hell and back if you have a small bucket of food, or the use of a another sheep placed where you want them to go, they naturaly follow each other. When dipping sheep they often have a little cage with a sheep in on the other side of the dip, the main flock will actualy jump into the dip and swim to it. At lambing time a mother ewe will follow you for miles if you are carrying her new born lambs.
    Oh thats 3 ways lol.
    photo album of my garden in my profile


    • #62
      Imagine you're sitting quietly on the secluded beach of a small Greek island, so peaceful. Suddenly out of nowhere, a flock of newly sheared sheep appear, some with bells around their necks clanging away, being pursued by some hairy Greeks and their equally hairy dogs. The sheep were driven into the sea until they had to swim, then they were allowed to return to shore.
      I was told that a swim in salt water was the treatment for any cuts that they might have incurred during shearing. Made sense to me


      • #63
        I do this regularly with danny my JR terrier, it cures a rash he keeps getting on his back legs.
        photo album of my garden in my profile


        • #64
          Bill I was so na�ve about live stock back in those days and of course they just set me up.

          And more than that it bladdy worked.

          Potty by name Potty by nature.

          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

          Aesop 620BC-560BC



          • #65
            Watched episode three last night on I player. I wonder if any one has drunk that sort of ale? (no hops in), if so what does it taste like?
            It's hard to believe just how tough life must have been back then for most people.
            photo album of my garden in my profile


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