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  • #61
    Had a quick look at local sites and the sounds of plants are very interesting too. Maybe go to the local botanical gardens, shut your eyes and get someone to walk you around so you can listen for the foliage.

    My blog:

    Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

    One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

    Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


    • #62
      Sensory stuff

      Hey RL ,
      thanks for response, I am still struggling to work my way round the web site and have only just worked out how to go back to a previous post i made!!!
      ta for advice, I have been to the introduce yourelf section now.
      I thought I would stick to veg at first, but may include things like mint and lavender for the smell, and I remeber something we called 'sour dog' which i looked for as a kid in the lake was a leaf with a sour taste. so those kind of things I think, but nothing too much at first.
      ta again


      • #63
        Hi CTC

        Just got around to viewing your posts. Blimey, you've been busy, and in such a short time to. Don't overdo it as you won't have anything to do in the winter months
        Built for comfort, not speed!


        • #64
          My thread seems to have been well and truly hijacked

          It's cool. I will have some more updates after the BH weekendl.
          My new website for allotment beginners

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          • #65
            And you can't blame me this time!!


            • #66
              Originally posted by Cue the Toms View Post
              I will have some more updates after the BH weekendl.
              with photo's i hope


              • #67
                I didn't realise this thread, re my plot was that popular...

                I will have lots of piccies and updates to post probably Tuesday evening as I have Sun, Mon and Tues off.. I hope to have done all my digging by then and hope to be pretty close to where I want the plot to be in terms of planning it all out. It will always be an ongoing project and I love every minute of being at the plot.

                My new website for allotment beginners

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                • #68
                  Good luck with your digging this weekend Chris.

                  We are forecasting lots of rain over here, just when I was planning on a strimming and rotivating marathon as well

                  Last edited by Samurailord; 24-08-2012, 10:25 PM.
         Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                  • #69
                    Thanks Andy

                    I thought that you could carry on strimming during wet weather?

                    We also have some light rain forecast over the next few days but I will carry on regardless.. As long as the ground is workable that is . The rain is actually quite welcome as it's been very dry here for a while.

                    My new website for allotment beginners

                    My Facebook page Please take the the time to "LIKE"

                    Follow on Twitter The Allotment Shed @TASallotment


                    • #70
                      Hi everyone

                      As promised, here comes my ongoing news and piccies from the plot... I might do a youtube photo story to make it a short story without words? your thoughts on that would be appreciated... If that helps to inspire anyone with an upcoming, daunting plot then I would be glad to help.

                      Well here goes. I'm truly knackered, and again feel like I haven't got as much done as I'd hoped.. My wife making me pick up another dog two hours away from our place cost me nearly a day in getting on

                      Sunday morning was spent digging out another bed 3.6m x 4.0m and putting a coat of horse muck on top. Some cow muck will be thrown in with this ASAP as well, and then covered and left to break down over winter in readiness for my beans and peas... The amount of bindweed roots in the ground was quite unbelievable:

                      My first bed (top of pic is going well), spuds, carrots, beetroot and lettuce all coming on well. I then got the call from my wife to go and pick up her new dog, Scruff. Pics of him to be posted another time.

                      Yesterday (Monday), was spent digging out my third main bed, again 3.6m x 4.0m, trust me, that was hard work. Unbelievable weed roots again:

                      I have thrown a load of green manure seeds and watered this patch well. My weed problem will take some time to overcome I think.

                      Today I made up most of the rest of my brassica bed with another netted frame and transplanted cauli, kale and broccoli seedlings in hope of some returns:

                      I'm still loving every minute of being at the plot even if it is hard work.

                      Thanks for following this thread and keep the advice coming please.

                      My new website for allotment beginners

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                      Follow on Twitter The Allotment Shed @TASallotment


                      • #71
                        Today, part two... Some harvest

                        Look at these beauties... Just three weeks of growing... Have I got green fingers or what???

                        They were hot, hot , hot!
                        My new website for allotment beginners

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                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Cue the Toms View Post
                          Thanks Andy

                          I thought that you could carry on strimming during wet weather?
                          Hi Chris

                          Yes, I could strim in wet weather, but the resulting spray from the wet grass would be pretty bad.

                          As it turned out, the weather held until I had done about 90% of the plot, and as the spool on the rotivator emptied it also started to rain so I will finish off again this weekend.

                 Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Cue the Toms View Post
                            Today, part two... Some harvest

                            Look at these beauties... Just three weeks of growing... Have I got green fingers or what???
                            Looking good, Chris.

                            I haven't got any radish in as yet - going to plant up a couple of squares this weekend so I think one of then is going to have to be radish now. What variety did you use - mine will probably be French Breakfast or Rougette. In fact, I might plant a square of each.

                            All I have had from my plot so far is a few handfuls of salad leaves and six cherry toms - everything else is not going to be ready until closer to the end of the year at least.

                   Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                            • #74
                              Hi all

                              I have put in another shift at the plot today. I have managed to beg some scaffold boards to finish off the boarders on all my beds, which will be put in place in due course.

                              I need some advice regarding weeds if anyone can help? I am weeding everytime I go to the plot! I understand that weeding is to be expected, but almost daily seems a bit extreme to me. I look at the other plots around me and they don't look like mine does! I deliberately dug all my beds by hand to remove as many weed roots as possible rather than by machine! Is this because it's a plot that was in a poor state and in time will improve? Is it because I keep disturbing the soil! Your opinions will be appreciated... I'm happy with weeding. I actually find it therapeutic, but it does hinder my progress getting on with other things when I've lost half a day just weeding pretty much one small area!

                              Anyway, just one pic today of how my recently planted bed is getting on after I had weeded again (third time this week) and earthed up my spuds:

                              Cheers all
                              My new website for allotment beginners

                              My Facebook page Please take the the time to "LIKE"

                              Follow on Twitter The Allotment Shed @TASallotment


                              • #75
                                What sort of weeds, Chris? If they're just small, annual weeds you should be able to hoe the tops off and leave them on the surface to shrivel.


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