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A new thread for growing Garlic


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  • #16
    Thanks, I've got some in the kitchen so tomorrow I'll plant a few in the tub were my parsnips 'should' have grown.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #17
      I accidently left small bulb of garlic in the ground.Wondered what had started growing a month ago in my empty bed and dug up whole bulb so quickly separated into cloves and replanted into a tub where they have carried on growing away nicely. I wouldnt have started growing any until now normally!


      • #18
        growing garlic and anything else

        i have recently took on an allotment. after lots of hard work clearing the plot i am ready to start growing. has anybody got any suggestions what i could try growing this time of year?


        • #19
          hi PSR... welcome to the vine

          There have been lots of suggestions in recent threads of things to grow this time of year. There is a very handy search button you can use to find stuff that interests you particularly, and also the "What I did today" thread at the top is useful to get an idea of what others are sowing and planting.

          You might have time to get some onion sets in, as well as broad beans and possibly some peas (in each case choose a suitable variety for overwintering). Winter salad is worth looking into, as well as anything that is currently available as ready-grown plug plants from the garden centre. You are also at the right time of year to look into soft fruit such as raspberries, gooseberries etc.

          Good luck!
          Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


          • #20

            My first time with garlic too, and I asked a lot of questions

            To sprout or not to sprout? That is the question.......

            From what i've gathered from all these nice very experienced peeps, it seems to be a question of personal preference and sticking with a method that you find works for you in your particular area of the country.

            Or possibly, if you're like me, I just decided to pre-sprout because I found it comforting to see that they had roots before I planted them. Also, because I knew otherwise I would be wanting to tip the pots out/ dig up the veg plot every two minutes to see if anything was happening yet

            Although I've been told by our local lottie association that my area is fine for direct planting, I have also opted to have them in pots in the greenhouse/cold-frame and wait til spring to plant out, this first year, so I can look at them and feel all warm and glowy because something I planted is actually alive and doing something

            Incidentally, I think I have been told or maybe read somewhere, that the top growth should be 'pencil' thickness before you plant them out into the ground, if you pre-sprout/grow them in pots - is this right?

            Red x
            Last edited by crazy_red; 16-11-2008, 04:37 PM. Reason: suddenly thought of (yet) another question....


            • #21
              This will be my second year at trying to grow garlic, this/last year they where planted in poor soil, and not feed in spring, so very poor result indeed...

              Now this year I have tried starting them off in 3" pots in the greenhouse before planting out in the spring. They where put in at end of October, and ever since then we have had mild weather, and what frosty nights there have been, the green house has had some heating.

              The end result of this is that most of the 30 cloves I've planted are now about 4-5 inches tal . I'm I being to kind to them, and will they not split? Or shall I take them outside and let them get on with things and not worry about them?

              P.S. Another reason for starting them in the pots, is that their final growing position is not ready yet...


              • #22
                Originally posted by pjmt View Post
                This will be my second year at trying to grow garlic, this/last year they where planted in poor soil, and not feed in spring, so very poor result indeed...

                Now this year I have tried starting them off in 3" pots in the greenhouse before planting out in the spring. They where put in at end of October, and ever since then we have had mild weather, and what frosty nights there have been, the green house has had some heating.

                The end result of this is that most of the 30 cloves I've planted are now about 4-5 inches tal . I'm I being to kind to them, and will they not split? Or shall I take them outside and let them get on with things and not worry about them?

                P.S. Another reason for starting them in the pots, is that their final growing position is not ready yet...
                I stuck mine outside in October and they are about 4" tall and they have been hit with frost, rain and sun, but they are all thriving. So in my opinion, 'yes' you are being too kind to them . Stick em outside and let em get on with it
                "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


                • #23
                  sowing cloves

                  You can grow garlic from cloves from the supermarket but the germination and survival rates are lower. Remove the papery skin but do not peel as if you were cooking. Plant in well drained soil (raised beds are great for this) 5" apart in a block pattern with the pointed end upwards, about 1cm deep. I cover mine with fleece as this seems to help the survival of the young plants.

                  Hope this helps

                  Kitchen Gardener


                  • #24
                    If you do decide to 'coddle' them, once they've sprouted, what size pot should you grow them on in for the winter?

                    And...when do you put them into the ground?

                    Bearing in mind I'm in the East Midlands - I think I am anyway, please feel free to correct me, geography is not one of my strong points


                    • #25
                      Is it too late to plant out garlic now, in tubs?
                      The temperature does seem to have dropped a bit lately.
                      I do have a growhouse if that would help them?
                      Last edited by onefivenine; 22-11-2008, 10:28 PM.
                      My Blog My flickr


                      • #26
                        My last garlic is going in on christmas eve - but I'm doing a trial. I'd get it out now if you can, in pots - the ground - tubs, anywhere really.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by FionaH View Post
                          Even I am managing to grow garlic so it must be easy! I just stuck it in the ground and in tubs and waited. Lots of green shoots now
                          hi fiona
                          how long did it take for the green shoots to apear?
                          regards psr


                          • #28
                            Not sure, couple of weeks at a guess, maybe a bit longer. Sorry to be vague but I have a shocking memory
                            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                            • #29
                              does anyone know why the garlic i planted in troughs has not sprouted, and the garlic i planted in 3" pots have, and were all planted at the same time


                              • #30
                                I've got the last of my garlic out today. The rest went in on Halloween and the last 3 bulbs have been on my "urgent, immediate attention, right now" list every since... So I hope it isn't too late!
                                Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


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