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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Plant out or into baskets remaining plants in GH..echium, blue cornflower, calendula, cosmos
    Pot up some more salads..mixed and little gem
    Sow some chilli seeds from a shop bought one..see what happens
    Trip to small GC locally see if anything I can grow on (edibles)
    Cut, trim grass
    Sit in sun
    Northern England.


    • As expected yesterday turned out to be very busy and I didn't even have time to pick my usual lunchtime salad

      Monday's jobs
      Deadheading and weeding - done a little
      wash plant pots and labels - no
      Get rid of caterpillars on blueberry bush - no
      Harvest salads, tomatoes, blueberries, possibly cabbage, carrots - just a few carrots for tea
      Check beans, peas, courgettes, calabrese - surprisingly quite a few beans were ready including the first 2 runners.

      Managed to find time to sow some basil in a pot.

      Tuesday's jobs
      Deadheading and weeding
      Check lawns and mow of possible as no dry days forecast for next 2 weeks
      wash plant pots and labels
      Harvest bucket of Desiree potatoes
      Put up net and move broccoli onto raised bed
      Get rid of caterpillars on blueberry bush
      Harvest salads, tomatoes, blueberries, possibly cabbage, carrots
      Check peas, courgettes, calabrese, strawberries.
      Last edited by Penellype; 25-07-2017, 08:53 AM.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Tidy up the Brussels and take off some lower leaves.............done already


        • Tuesday's jobs
          Deadheading and weeding - done some including weeding drive
          Check lawns and mow of possible as no dry days forecast for next 2 weeks - done rear lawn, plan to do the front one was scuppered by hoards of flying ants emerging under the front doorstep
          Wash plant pots and labels - no
          Harvest bucket of Desiree potatoes - done for 0.8kg potatoes
          Put up net and move broccoli onto raised bed - done
          Get rid of caterpillars on blueberry bush - no
          Harvest salads, tomatoes, blueberries, possibly cabbage, carrots - done except for cabbage
          Check peas, courgettes, calabrese, strawberries - done, harvested first calabrese

          I almost never use insecticides, but I have 2 exceptions - wasps in the house and ants in the house. Now I have to clear up all the dead ants that came in through the solid brick wall/solid concrete floor/plastic front door (which I did NOT open) . Beginning to wish the wildlife would leave me in peace for a bit!

          Wednesday's jobs
          Collect rainwater for blueberries
          Harvest baby courgettes
          Everything else will probably have to wait until Friday as its pouring down today and Thursdays are nearly always busy.
          Last edited by Penellype; 26-07-2017, 12:47 PM.
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Wednesday's jobs
            Collect rainwater for blueberries - done, and again today. Storage bin is nearly full.
            Harvest baby courgettes - done, also a cucumber and a couple of peppers.

            Removed several slugs and a couple of snails.

            Friday's jobs (weather permitting)
            Mow front lawn if possible (unlikely as we have just had a deluge)
            Deadheading and weeding
            Try to tackle the caterpillars on the blueberries
            Wash some pots and labels
            Try to find things to do with glut of cucumbers (soup?)
            Harvest peppers, salads, peas, blueberries
            Decide whether I am actually ever going to eat that cabbage
            Check beans, calabrese, courgettes
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • ^^^ best un-netted cabbages I've ever had and I'm feeling that P. - sigh -
              Last edited by Baldy; 27-07-2017, 10:10 PM. Reason: as in - are they edible..
              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


              • Sow more seeds, of what..I don't yet know
                Northern England.


                • Originally posted by Baldy View Post
                  ^^^ best un-netted cabbages I've ever had and I'm feeling that P. - sigh -
                  My problem is that I have tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and lettuce in abundance, courgettes coming along and a few beans and calabrese in between. I prefer all those to cabbage, and my stomach is already suffering from eating too much fruit and veg at once. The cabbage gets rejected every time because there's something I would rather eat, and also I know it has slugs and I have a limited tolerance of dealing with creepy-crawlies which has been tested to the limit recently by caterpillars,in strawberries and blueberries and by ants and wasps elsewhere. The result is a cabbage which is clearly starting to bolt...

                  My guess is it will end up in the hotbin
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • And now itl be potting on 4 more chilli plants, so best go get on before the rain returns.
                    Northern England.


                    • Friday's jobs
                      Mow front lawn if possible - done
                      Deadheading and weeding - done some
                      Try to tackle the caterpillars on the blueberries - no, see below
                      Wash some pots and labels - done labels
                      Try to find things to do with glut of cucumbers (soup?) - no, ate one
                      Harvest peppers, salads, peas, blueberries - done except for blueberries
                      Decide whether I am actually ever going to eat that cabbage - no
                      Check beans, calabrese, courgettes - some beans ready and harvested

                      Today was one of those days when plans have to be radically altered because of something unexpected. One thing leads to another...
                      At least it wasn't wet (until now). When deadheading and checking everything I noticed that the shelf (also a net cover over the calabrese) that some of the strawberries were on was leaning at about 60 degrees, and only really being held in place by the balconi tomato plants - not ideal. The added weight from the saturated compost must have just tipped the balance. So I had to find another home for 2 18 inch square trays of strawberries. I put them on the lawn and found a single net cover to go over the bucket of calabrese, which also went onto the lawn. The small spare broccoli plant that was also under there will have to go - its almost certainly not needed. The shelf (made from an old blowaway greenhouse) was dismantled. While the area was clear I weeded the carrots in the carrot cage and pulled the gooseberry bush into the space where the shelves were and pruned it. Found 2 gooseberries hiding amongst the foliage (doubles the total crop for the year). Put back the gooseberry, put the calabrese next to the blackcurrant bush and made a smaller double shelf unit from shorter poles for the 2 trays of strawberry plants. Balconi tomatoes returned to position and the whole lot looks much more stable. That took most of the morning.
                      I'd also noticed that a couple of other strawberry plants looked unhappy and investigated these. They were infested with strawberry leaf roller, a type of tortrix moth caterpillar. These damn things are everywhere this year - they spin silk and stick leaves together with it, then eat the leaves from inside their safe little tent. They also eat flowers (including strawberry flowers) and I'm pretty sure they are the same things that have developed a taste for my blueberries. I spent ages removing all the ones I could find and tidying up the plants, both of which are Just Add Cream, perpetuals which have plenty of flower buds.
                      I also fed the flowers on the fence.
                      With all that, tying in tomatoes and beans, harvesting for lunch and dinner and mowing the front lawn, I didn't have time for the rest of the jobs today.
                      Last edited by Penellype; 28-07-2017, 05:45 PM.
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • This weekend (weather permitting)

                        At my friend's:
                        Remove bolted lettuces and plant replacements (currently in greenhouse)
                        Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots
                        Plenty of weeding
                        Fill self watering trays in greenhouse
                        Possibly harvest some potatoes

                        At home
                        Remove caterpillars from blueberries
                        Weeding and deadheading
                        Cut back mint and chives
                        Sort out the cabbage
                        Cut down finished tomato plant in sitting room
                        Remove old peas if finished
                        Plant out fennel, pot up kale if ready
                        Sow cabbage, kohlrabi, mizuna, namenia, salads
                        Harvest lettuce, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, peas, beans, blueberries
                        Check calabrese
                        Last edited by Penellype; 28-07-2017, 10:15 PM.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Today I will be picking chillies
                          Feeding chillies
                          Ordering a new fishing reel
                          Strimming goose run
                          Making up goose house
                          Filling goose pond.
                          Cleaning out ferrets.


                          • Ironing
                            Baking (?). Maybe
                            Cutdown of 5 ft high nettles
                            Check if any courgettes have turned into marrow, I actually want a large one, to cook stuffed marrow.
                            Pull up a few weeds!


                            • This weekend

                              At my friend's:
                              Remove bolted lettuces and plant replacements - done
                              Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots - done some
                              Plenty of weeding - done loads
                              Fill self watering trays in greenhouse - done
                              Possibly harvest some potatoes - no

                              At home
                              Remove caterpillars from blueberries - done some
                              Weeding and deadheading - done some
                              Cut back mint and chives - no
                              Sort out the cabbage - no
                              Cut down finished tomato plant in sitting room - done
                              Remove old peas if finished - done the finished ones, a few have still got peas on.
                              Plant out fennel, pot up kale if ready - done both
                              Sow cabbage, kohlrabi, mizuna, namenia, salads - done
                              Harvest lettuce, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, peas, beans, blueberries - done some of all of these
                              Check calabrese - checked, harvested and eaten.

                              Monday's jobs
                              Likely to be busy at work.
                              Deadheading and weeding.
                              Harvest lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, blueberries
                              Check peas, beans, beetroot, courgettes.
                              Last edited by Penellype; 30-07-2017, 09:32 PM.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • As I'm on holiday doubtless the rain in Devon will continue. As I'm now mildly peed orf I may put my winter waterproofs on and stand at the plot defiantly shaking my fist tward a god I don't believe in - before planting on a few more beetroot seedlings, lettuce and leeks.
                                Think Game of Thrones with a small budget.
                                Winter (veg) is Coming...
                                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


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