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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • #91
    Tomorrow I intend to have a right good tidy up!

    Will compost plants that are now not needed, although I really hate doing it after I have nurtured them so long!

    Vixy! you are in my locality, if ya need some plants gis a shout! I'll gladly drop em off!

    Or any one else in my vicinity! Give us a nod! the car could do with a run out!
    "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


    • #92
      dig up second half of shed base. Hopefully cooler weather forecast will make it easier than the first half :-)


      • #93
        Today's jobs (very little rain):
        Continue to put things away in the garage - done some
        Deadheading - done for today
        Peg down strawberry runners - done
        Trim alchemilla and periwinkle which are encroaching on path - done
        Harvest more strawberries, tomatoes, and possibly cabbage, turnips, 2 small french beans and/or carrots - done except for turnips
        Watering - done

        As it was also not unbearably hot, I also:
        Potted up chitted french beans
        Mowed the front lawn
        Planted out and potted up some flower seedlings (cornflowers, candytuft and gaillardia).

        Tomorrow's jobs (weather permitting):
        Trim front lawn edges
        Weed gravel drive
        Check everywhere thoroughly for weeds
        Sharpen secateurs
        Continue sorting garage
        Harvest strawberries, tomatoes, peas, turnips and check blackcurrants
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • #94
          Right, toms tied up and sideshooted. They're getting a bit like a jungle...

          Leeks still to do, but the bed is now fully prepared (by Mr Snoop, my contribution was the instructions). I have a grim headache, so they might still have to wait till tomorrow.


          • #95
            Deano I'm struggling to fill the bits I've dug so anything going spare I'll happily take off your hands! Thanks

            I'll PM you!


            • #96
              Today's jobs:
              Trim front lawn edges - done
              Weed gravel drive - done
              Check everywhere thoroughly for weeds - in progress
              Sharpen secateurs - done
              Continue sorting garage - not today
              Harvest strawberries, tomatoes, peas, turnips and check blackcurrants - done, peas just about finished for now, blackcurrants not ready
              Watering - done for today

              Also managed:
              Cut down finished peas and replaced them with a bucket of younger pea plants.
              Tied in outdoor tomatoes and removed sideshoots
              Potted up the final 2 Shirley tomato sideshoots.
              Removed several revolting lily beetle larvae from the fritillaries
              Removed 3 bolting carrots

              Tomorrow's jobs:
              Continue checking for weeds (this tends to lead to other jobs)
              Trim euonymus
              Tie in clematis
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • #97
                This weekend:

                * Feed tomatoes and chillies - not done
                * Pot on chillies - done
                * Digging - done a bit more
                * Deadheading - not done
                * Brown bin / compost bin filling - done
                * Lawn mowing (desperately needs doing!) - not done OH blamed the rain
                Last edited by vixylix; 26-06-2017, 01:33 PM.


                • #98
                  Today's jobs:
                  Continue checking for weeds (this tends to lead to other jobs) - done a bit
                  Trim euonymus - done
                  Tie in clematis - done
                  Deadheading - done a bit
                  Watering - gave this a rest as it rained quite a bit this morning.

                  Also managed:
                  Found and killed a vine weevil adult
                  Chopped up yesterday's pea foliage and fed it to the wormery
                  Picked all the misshapen and poorly pollinated strawberries and made them into sauce for the freezer
                  Picked all the ripe Balconi tomatoes and planted one of the plants (finished for now) in its balconniere pot and put it outside.
                  Harvested more strawberries and tomatoes
                  Slug and snail patrol (4 snails and 1 huge brown slug).

                  Weekend jobs:
                  At my friend's
                  Pot up the last 2 tomatoes in the greenhouse
                  Tie in and sideshoot the tomatoes
                  Put support frame round outdoor tomato plant
                  Put weed suppressant down on paths
                  Harvest potatoes (Charlotte) and cucumber.

                  At home:
                  Rearrange plants on fence as 2 of the nemesia have finished flowering
                  Weeding and deadheading
                  Mow rear lawn and trim edges
                  Sow cabbage and beetroot
                  Harvest strawberries, tomatoes, turnips, a few peas, couple of french beans and possibly a few small calabrese shoots (from last year's plant)
                  Watering as required

                  The idea this weekend is to get everything tidy and sorted out so that if the weather is as terrible as the forecast next week I won't be too frustrated. (The forecast for York is currently for over 2 inches of rain on Wednesday alone!).
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • #99
                    Tomorrow pot up 60 germinated pea plants for second sowing and general tidy round, take instructions from SWMBO as to what she wants harvested.
                    Potty by name Potty by nature.

                    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                    Aesop 620BC-560BC



                    • Feed Humphrey ( the pumpkin)
                      Maybe some more weeding (not if it's still raining when I finish work)


                      • This morning a plan on feeding my tomatoes and thinning out some of their leaves as it's becoming a bit biushy in the greenhouse. I'll then do a bit of weeding on my garden. Got some logs to cut after that. Dinner time and then out to the pub all day/night with the lads. Why not eh?


                        • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                          Feed Humphrey ( the pumpkin)
                          Maybe some more weeding (not if it's still raining when I finish work)
                          I was wondering who Humphrey was in an earlier post of yours!
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • All done as planned plus gave the toms a good soaking off Tomorite and harvested more peas for SWMBOs collection.

                            Tomorrow I intend to do not very much at all a nice relaxing day with SWMBO is planned.
                            Potty by name Potty by nature.

                            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                            Aesop 620BC-560BC



                            • Weekend jobs:
                              At my friend's
                              Pot up the last 2 tomatoes in the greenhouse - done
                              Tie in and sideshoot the tomatoes - done some
                              Put support frame round outdoor tomato plant - done
                              Put weed suppressant down on paths - done one, waiting to see how it goes before doing another.
                              Weeding - done some
                              Harvest potatoes (Charlotte) and cucumber - done

                              At home:
                              Rearrange plants on fence as 2 of the nemesia have finished flowering - done
                              Weeding and deadheading - done some
                              Mow rear lawn and trim edges - done mowing, edges still to do
                              Sow cabbage and beetroot - done beetroot Decided to wait with the cabbage due to lack of netted space.
                              Harvest strawberries, tomatoes, turnips, a few peas, couple of french beans and possibly a few small calabrese shoots (from last year's plant)- done except for calabrese
                              Watering as required - done

                              Today's jobs:
                              Tidy rear lawn edges
                              Peg down more strawberry runners
                              Check tomatoes, remove sideshoots and tie in as required
                              Check and tie in cucumber if necessary
                              Check brassica seedlings and pot up if necessary
                              Pea and bean seedlings to go outside - pot up beans
                              Balconi tomato plant to go out and pot up into balconniere
                              Deadheading and weeding as required
                              Harvest salads, tomatoes, orange pepper, turnips, calabrese, strawberries, black and possibly white currants
                              Feed flowers on fences
                              Last edited by Penellype; 26-06-2017, 08:20 AM.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Today I will be tackling one job.. WEEDING, the rest of the week is forecast rain so I need to get ahead and get as many of the weeds up as possible today, I have been given the green light from the boss so as soon as im out of work I will head straight to the plot and attack as much as possible.. with the final job lifting some raddish and hopefully take some peas as they where almost ready when I looked on thursday.


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