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Chatback #13


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  • Originally posted by rary View Post
    Good morning Folks, and Susie enjoy your night out, 50 years working in the one place wow:. Enjoy your day everyone
    ..........Hey!! Cheeky rary, very cheeky .............I'm not as old as you, you know ...

    Artnoon all....
    It's a very miserable wet October afternoon here, after a rather pleasant start .....

    Back from hairdressers all primped and coiffed...... don't know how long it'll stay like this though- hope my curls survive this wet weather. I'll have to hoist me long frock up off the floor and tussle with a brolly - hope the 'drowned rat' look is in fashion .............

    Enjoy the rest of your day ~ hope ya'll don't get too wet ....!!!
    ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
    a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
    - Author Unknown ~~~


    • Hi All

      Manic few week, but had a day on the plot today, back at the elm in the morning, but looking forward to getting this huge distribution out of the way for one of our major clients I got "Suckered" with yet again!

      Then gunna book 3 weeks off, hit the plot and forget about everything and everybody!

      Yes! Bring it on!!!!!!
      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


      • Hair looks nice Susie - take your gamp
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Just throw your long skirt over your head - simple
          Enjoy it, Susie, 50 years in a job is something to be proud of - don't try to pretend it isn't
          Will you get a gold watch or a medal?
          Last edited by veggiechicken; 01-10-2016, 02:39 PM.


          • Originally posted by SusieG View Post
            ..........Hey!! Cheeky rary, very cheeky .............I'm not as old as you, you know
            Are you sure about that????
            It has been a lovely day here to day, sky cleared and lovely sunshine all day, also moans all day about not having washing out, even with the fact I took her to GC and let her buy the lunch. We then went to our friends, (both have suffered strokes) but boy its like a breath of fresh air so cheerful and funny, an good day. Now off to make the tea, I have been told that if I want anything tonight I need to make the tea I hope I have picked her up right
            Susie if you are still at home, have an enjoyable evening I hope your DH can dance better than me if not your feet will be sore, have ball Well I am off to the greenhouse for a time. Have a good evening everyone
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Lovely day today - had a visiting Red Admiral on the verbena - few and far between this year :-)
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Sheneval; 02-10-2016, 07:28 PM.
              Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

              Nutter by Nature


              • Mornin n'all n'all!

                Kettle's on!....

                Tis going to be an interesting week for me - our friends ( who looked after Hibou , hens and bunny whilst we were away) are off on their hols for a week and we are looking after their dog chez nous.
                He's an absolutely delightful character but Hibou won't be too impressed- and I'm allergic to dogs!
                The weather forecast looks pretty good, so at least he can keep me company outside in the garden whilst I get stuck in to the weeding and prep of the beds.
                Oh ...and for those of you who are interested, Alfie is a Labradoodle
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Morning all
                  Sorry Nicos no time for a cuppa. Lots to do today and it's looking like a corker of a day out there, just a few wispy clouds tinted pink with the morning sun. More shed and table building for a start, then more lawn mowing, haven't decided what happens after that.
                  Have a good day everyone


                  • Morning All Waiting for my cuppa - the staff do not (will not) start till 8
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Good morning,

                      Off out to the allotment this afternoon. Got a few jobs on there that need to be done. I passed my theory test yesterday Nice way to start my birthday today.

                      Have a good day


                      • Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                        Good morning,

                        Off out to the allotment this afternoon. Got a few jobs on there that need to be done. I passed my theory test yesterday Nice way to start my birthday today.

                        Have a good day
                        A VERY happy Birthday To you Carrianne, have a great time
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Morning a bit damp and misty here but if feels a nice autumn sort of day I've had a wonder around the garden looking at cobwebs.
                          Hope you soon get your tea Flo.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Morning all. Went to bed too late last night so tired this morning - which may be why I'm on my fourth biscuit

                            OH off on mountain bike this morning, back about lunch. Will try to get children in garden to make space for this afternoons poo pick up.

                            Roast chicken for lunch including a roasted winter radish. Hope it tastes nice - have grown loads of the things.

                            Hey Ho, better wake up my brain as well as my body & get on with laundry, tidying, getting stuff ready for Monday. ....
                            Another happy Nutter...


                            • A beautiful bright, if a bit chilly, morning to you all

                              It's that time of year where my insomnia kicks in, have been waking up at 5.30 for the last couple of weeks, and it seems to get earlier as winter arrives. Pfffft, I'm out of instant coffee too (which ought to be illegal) so made a pot of fresh. Think it has been open a bit too long

                              My wee Maise Moo is getting on in years and a bit wobbly on the old back legs. This morning Moo is sore on her ribs and doesn't want me to touch them. I think she has fallen downstairs again, the last serious damage was a broken tail. I think it's time for a child gate and vets in the morning.

                              Have a fab day all, what ever you get up to.
                              Last edited by KittyColdNose; 02-10-2016, 09:05 AM.
                              When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it.
                              If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


                              • Beautiful morning here - and looking at the UK map, I'd most of the Blighty Grapes are having the same - hope so.

                                Big project on the go today. Preparation for my potting shed (ETA 12 Dec!) which involves either 'making good' the area or ripping down and re-building. We're currently in discussions on which way to go. Nice to have choices, eh

                                Happy Sunday everyone


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