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Chatback #13


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  • Morning all...I'm knee deep in clothes trying to clear the boys bedrooms...yes, they should do it theirselves but when they bring down their washing and the other half is left upstairs it is pointless not getting it! I think I need a coffee to calm down


    • A late Good morning and Happy Monday Just gardening today clearing away the toms and other spent stuff Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning all, another beautiful morning. We are having better weather here in October than we did the whole of summer! Spent the afternoon yesterday chopping and making chutney that I have not done my tennis elbow any good...absolute agony! If only I could use it as an excuse not to do any domestics today but I have another arm!
        Well done to everyone who has a strong enough will power to lose weight. Wish I had the same but every year that passes brings another few pounds, really should sort myself out.
        Have a great day everyone. See you later!


        • What a start to the day - daughter and her family are off on holiday so went round to take the dog out and found she had been sick - cleared that up using doggy bag which delayed her walk a bit - just as I reached the cul de sac next to mine she decided to get rid of the remains of whatever? so I had to get buckets of water from my o/s tap to clear that up - this extra delay was long enough for her to need to go just after we passed my house I used doggy bag but unfortunately it was a bit soft so back to the buckets but very stubborn so my next door neighbour offered his hose - reeled it out he turned on the tap and nothing happened when I pulled the trigger - 'oh I have a leak' he called and turning round I could see water spouting out about 10ft from the end so I foolishly pulled this towards me intending to use it to clear what little was still left - alas hoses are funny things they coil and kink and uncoil at inappropriate moments and this one proved to be no exception - with soaking wet trousers I finished what was left of the mess in 15secs. I then cut off the damaged bit and fixed the shortened hose.

          Rather than change the soaking trousers immediately I continued the walk and popped into the local shop for morning papers - yes you've guessed it - being out of my normal routine of taking grandsons to school I had forgotten to transfer my cash etc. from yesterday's trousers so had to ask for 'tick'.

          However, before you start feeling sorry for me I have to say that my tale of woe is nothing as compared to that which my local shopkeeper regaled me with as soon as I entered the shop - she is off to the Bahamas tomorrow and had just locked the safe keys in the safe. (Fortunately, there is a spare set up in Glasgow).

          So now the trousers are out of the tumble drier, I have had my Scots porage oats, and will take myself off to the allotment - it is a lovely sunny morning here.
          Last edited by Sheneval; 10-10-2016, 05:08 PM.
          Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

          Nutter by Nature


          • Ha ha!...had to have a chuckle at that Shen!

            Our neighbour has had to borrow my OH's car today cos he lost his keys in Paris on Friday and his car is at the local train station and he's not got a spare set.
            OH has to borrow my car, and of course our other car is in the garage for the next few days.
            Me? ...well no transport apart from me legs and a bike - so I'm having to cadge lifts off friends for the day.
            I wonder what alignment the planets are in today?????
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • That's the toms gone but I'm having to pace myself - my knee keeps giving way. Oh well it'll get done but slower than usual
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Afternon all - happy monday (if there is such a thing!)

                Still no gardening time for me, but we now have a functioning dining room - hurrah!

                Shen... I cant wait to hear what happens on the next walk


                • Good afternoon - Cut all the split pomegranates off the tree today and chucked them out. Had a 25 litre bagful. Took cuttings of blueberries and worked a bit on the communal garden in the front of the house. Quite cool today only 25C (77F).


                  • Afternoon,
                    I have been rummaging in the skip out side my office again (my office has more toot than the skips I think).
                    Found a couple of 8 ft metal cable channels similar to these ones... Welded Steel Channel - China ;Steel Channel;, HONT

                    Think they would be good for support posts for probably raspberries
                    Be Vegan


                    • They would work out fine Nafets my raspberry supports are from a iron bed frame my neighbour was going to take to the tip.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Another good sunny day on the allotment - prepared a small 4x4 bed and put in 50 red onions - covered with fleece until I can make up a proper cover. Tidied polybar - looks a bit posh for the motley crew that use it as a regular hang out! Need to stock up on drinks - I had the last can of shandy and fellow plotholder's good lady plot holder had the last J2O yesterday. Off to Aldi's :-)
                        Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                        Nutter by Nature


                        • Been having to blow up a stone flat rear tyre the last few mornings and went to get puncture repaired this morning. Tyre not worth repair and got that replaced as well as a front one which I had intended changing in the next week or two ready for winter. Tyre guys put the two new tyres on the front of the car and moved the remaining front one to the rear. Thanks guys, saved me a job. I hate spending money (I think it's rubbed off from Rary) but needs must.
                          Been a lovely day today after a pretty chilly start.


                          • Are there "Happy Monday's" Too right their is!


                            Hi all!

                            Errands run, stuff put to bed! Neck wound in! Two weeks of peace n quite!

                            A few "Beer's n a Curry" There is a god! ..............
                            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                            • Evening all

                              Had a tiring day of family and then fun fair. Back in the warm and dry now and getting nice and cosy for the evening.

                              I resisted candy floss, toffee apples, doughnuts and sausage in batter - not sure how but just about managed. I gave in and ate 1 chip - ha ha So a very slight diet cheat but think it was deserved after resisting so much and boy that chip tasted soooo good.

                              Yes, trust me, I really don't like dieting or exercise. Never have. If it wasn't for health reasons, I wouldn't be doing it. That said, I like all the food I am eating on the diet so best to focus on that then the long list of what I can't have.

                              Nice to get such good support. The Vine is always the best place to be and works like a pick me up every time But feeling pretty good now I'm getting warmer again. It always rains when the fun fair comes along. I didn't need to check the weather report
                              LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                              • I've skimmed through the posts on this thread as my iPad is about to die. I thought I'd covered all eventualities but hadn't accounted for no sockets to plug the charger into. The only socket is one for a shaver which is too deep for a standard 2 pin plug. I may be offline for a while. I'm actually surprised that a hotel of this caliber has done this and seems to have made no provision in this day and age for people to charge their tablets and phones.
                                "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                                "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


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